
React Native component for creating animated, expanding collection

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactNativeExpandingCollectionView from '';


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This project is developed and maintained by openGeeksLab LLC.



  • React Native 0.50+
  • iOS 9.0+
  • Android 4.2+


Just run:

  • npm i react-native-expanding-collection-view

Basic usage

For the work with the library you have to use the next parameters:
data - is the array of objects that contains the information required to display on the card.

renderFrontCard - is the function that renders the front card. It should return the component that is used as a card and can get the parameters of itemData and animation. itemData - is the data for this card. animation - is the animation for the card.

import AnimatedBackground from './backgroundImage';
renderFrontCard = (itemData, animation) => (
    source={ itemData.img }
     height: animation.interpolate({
       inputRange: treshholds,
       outputRange: [0, 1, 1],
     borderRadius: animation.interpolate({
       inputRange: treshholds,
       outputRange: [0, values.borderRadius, values.borderRadius],

renderBackCard - is the function that renders the back card. It should return the component that is used as a card or as the opened screen and can get the parameters of itemData and animation.

renderDescription - is the function that renders the description at the bottom of the front card and can get the parameters of itemData and animation. It should return a component that is used as a description and can get the parameters of data and animation.

inactiveSlideOpacity - is the transparency of the inactive card (from 0 to 1)
frontCardColor - is the color of the background of the front card.
backCardColor - is the color of the background of the back card.

  import ExpandingCollection from 'react-native-expanding-collection-view';



Contact us if interested.


Expanding is released under the MIT license.