
react-native-graphs is built to provide a chart to react native on both iOS and Android

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactNativeGraphs from '';



react-native-graphs is built to provide a chart to react native on both iOS and Android


  1. Supports only border charts with circles.
  2. Touchables coordinates.
  3. Scrollable chart.


npm install react-native-graphs

rnpm link react-native-svg


There is an easy example

import Chart from 'react-native-graphs';
class ChartExample extends Component {
  this.state = {
    selected: 0
  render() {
    return (   
    <View style = {{ flex:1}}>
            border = {true} 
            radius = {10}
            borderWidth = {4}
            lineWidth = {3}
            borderColor = 'black'
            selectedColor = 'blue'
            backgroundColor = 'white'
            selectedPoint = {this.state.selected}
            height = {450}
            width = {400}
            yValues = {[400,200]}
            yText = ""
            textColor = "black"
            onClick = {this.pointClick.bind(this)}
    this.setState({touch:"x:"+obj.x+" y:"+obj.y,});


Name Default Description
points null The points props specifies the coordinates to be display
border true This prop specifies if the chart will have border.
color 'black' color specifies the color of the chart.
lineWidth 3 the lineWidth specifies the distance between the border lines
borderWidth 4 The borderWidth specifies the strokeWidth of the border lines.
selectedPoint 0 selectedPoint specifies the index of the point that will be selected by default
selectedColor 'black selectedColor specifies the color of the point selected.
backgroundColor 'white' The backgroundColor specifies the background color of the chart.
radius 5 The radius specifies the radius of each point on the chart.
height 300 The height specifies the height of the chart.
width 300 The width specifies the width of the chart.
xText '' The xText specifies the text that will appear on each value of the X axis
yText '' The yText specifies the text that will appear on each value of the y axis
yValues 1 The value of y that will appear on the chart
xValues null The value of x that will appear on the chart. TODO.
textColor 'black' the color of the text that will appear on the chart
onClick null This function is call everytime the user clicks on a point.


  1. Create chart without borders
  2. Display xText