
TPA is the world leading tool for app distribution to mobile devices. Watch live statistics and collect both detailed crash reports and feedback with JIRA integration. TPA helps your team to quickly respond to actual app usage.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactNativeThePerfectApp from '';



Getting started

Install the component using npm:

$ npm install react-native-the-perfect-app --save

Configure the iOS and Android projects using the link command:

$ react-native link react-native-the-perfect-app


  1. Open the Xcode project and add ThePerfectApp.Framework to "Link Binary With Libraries" build phase. Tap + then Add other... and locate the framework in ../node_modules/react-native-the-perfect-app/ios/Frameworks
  2. add the following path to Framework Search Path for your build target: $(SRCROOT)/../node_modules/react-native-the-perfect-app/ios/Frameworks

Configure TPA with Project UUID and upload URL in the native AppDelegate and enable/disable features as needed. Refer to the documentation on your domain for more information about configuring TPA.


  1. Add the following line to android/build.gradle under repositories, which is under allprojects: flatDir { dirs "$rootDir/../node_modules/react-native-the-perfect-app/android/libs" }

Configure TPA with Project UUID and upload URL in the native MainApplication class and enable/disable features as needed. Refer to the documentation on your domain for more information about configuring TPA.


Refer to the documentation on your domain for more information. When tracking an event, you shall provide a category and a name. All tracking methods can be called with tags, that can be used for segmentation on your perfect dashboards.

import { TPA } from 'react-native-the-perfect-app';

// Track events
TPA.trackEvent('Action', 'ShowProfile');
TPA.trackEventWithTags('Action', 'ShowProfile', { 'Gender':'F'});

// Track screens
TPA.trackScreenAppearing('Screen Title');
TPA.trackScreenDisappearing('Screen Title');

// Track timing
const timing = TPA.startTimingEvent('Timing', 'Level 1');

// Track numeric value
TPA.trackValueEvent('Value', 'amount transferred', 42.0);

// Logs
TPA.log.debug('Error during activation');