
A cookie notice React component

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactOvercooked from '';


React Overcooked

A small React based solution to notify your website users about your cookie policy and the use of third party cookies. Fully customizable, persists itself via LocalStorage and comes ready to run out of the box.


Install as usual:

npm install --save react-overcooked

Then inside your application:

import Overcooked from 'react-overcooked';

const MyComponent = () => {
  const handleSelect = (value) => console.log(value);
  return <Overcooked onSelect={handleSelect} />;


Full list of supported props:

  • options, array: an array of options to show, defaults to pre-built options - Essential and Analytics cookies

  • translations, object: an object containing translations in your preferred language

    • text, string: the text at the top of the panel
    • button_accept, string: the text on the "Accept" button
    • button_customize, string: the text on the "Customize" button
  • children, React node: this can also be used to show text at the top of the panel. Very useful if you need to link to your Cookie Policy page.

  • onSelect, function: a handler to be called with user's selection. Will be called again every time the component mounts when persist is set to true

  • persist, boolean: persists selection in LocalStorage and never shows the panel again


An option is simply an object:

  • title, string: the text for the option title
  • description, string: the text for the option description
  • id, string: a unique option identifier, will be used as a key prop and to identify selection
  • essential, boolean: when set to true the checkbox will always be checked and disabled

Removing stored selection

Cleaning up LocalStorage is up to you, but we provide a convenient way to do it:

import { removeValue } from 'react-overcooked';
// The persisted value is gone
