
A replacement for the Match component in React Router v4 that allows for async routes

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactRouterMatchAsync from '';



Build Status Coverage Status

A replacement for the Match component in React Router v4 that allows for async routes

Note that this project is pre-release and API's will likely change. A stable version will not be released until React Router v4 is stable.


npm install react-router-match-async


Very basic example that shows loading a component using webpack 2.

import { BrowserRouter } from 'react-router';
import MatchAsync from 'react-router-match-async';

async function load() {
  return await System.import('./asyncComponent');

  <MatchAsync exactly pattern="/" getComponent={load} />


This library doesn't currently work with server side rendering. Using a centralized route config is likely the only option as the routes need to be fully parsed in order to know what to dynamically load. Another limitation is that it's currently not possible to block before the needed data is loaded. For now, a null element is rendered while waiting, which isn't the best user experience. I'd happily accept ideas on how to fix this.


npm test


PR's welcome as long as they do not decrease the code-coverage percentage.