
React RxJS hooks easy

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactRxjsEasy from '';




  • connect React hooks in index.js
connectReactHooks(useEffect, useState);

Hook from Subject usage

  • create Subject or BehavorSubject
export const counterSubject = new BehaviorSubject(0);
  • create hook connected with this subject
export const useCounter = hookFromSubject(counterSubject);
  • use this hook in functional component
const counter = useCounter();
  • value is getting changed in functional component when subject is changed + 1)

Promise to Subject usage

  • create subject and connected hook
export const responseSubject = new BehaviorSubject(new PromiseSubjectState());
export const useResponse = hookFromSubject(responseSubject);
  • create function that creates promise and connects it with subject so subject get new value when promise is resolved or rejected
export const getResponseWithSuccess = () =>
  promiseToSubject(new Promise(resolve => resolve('success')), responseSubject);
  • promise returned by XHR request can be used
export const getData = () =>
  promiseToSubject(fetch('/something'), responseSubject);