
Provide smooth scrolling link and anchors in React.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactScrollableUrl from '';



npm version

Lightweight library for smooth scrolling ulrls and anchors in React.

  • Land on correct anchor when page is loaded, based on URL hash value or full url path.
  • Scroll smoothly to anchors when in-page URL changes.
  • URL updates automatically to reflect section in view.
  • Option to record history on hash changes.
npm install --save react-scrollable-url


Live Demo or Source

To run examples locally, npm run example, then open your browser to localhost:3210.


1. Creating a scrollable anchor

Use the ScrollableSection tag to wrap any React element(s), making it a scrollable anchor. Use the ScrollableLink to wrpar a link to the corresponding section. You may also set a title attribute if you want to update a document title.

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import ScrollableSection, { ScrollableLink } from 'react-scrollable-url';

export default class Page extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
        <ScrollableLink href="/section1">
          <a> Go to section 1 </a>
        <ScrollableLink href="/section2">
          <a> Go to section 2 </a>

        <ScrollableSection name={'section1'} title="Section 1">
          <div> Hello World </div>
        <ScrollableSection name={'section2'} title="Section 2">
          <div> How are you world? </div>

In this case the address will be changed to /section1 and /section2.

You can also use hashes or combine path and hash updates:

<ScrollableLink href="#panel1">
  <a> Go to panel 1 </a>

<ScrollableLink href="#panel2">
  <a> Go to panel 2 </a>

<ScrollableSection hash={'panel1'}>
  <div> Panel 1 </div>

<ScrollableSection hash={'panel2'}>
  <div> Panel 2 </div>
<ScrollableLink href="/section1#surprise">
  <a> Go to section 1, section #surprise</a>

<ScrollableLink href="/section1#nothing">
  <a> Go to section 1, section #nothing </a>

<ScrollableSection name={'section1'} hash={'surprise'}>
  <div> Surprise </div>

<ScrollableSection name={'section1'} hash={'nothing'}>
  <div> Nothing </div>

You can also use exact prop if you want ot replace whole path with the given name/anchor.

<ScrollableSection name={'section1'} exact>
  <div> Content </div>

2. Configure

Access configureAnchors to customize scrolling and anchors.

Offset all scrollable anchors by a fixed amount
import { configureAnchors } from 'react-scrollable-url'

// Offset all anchors by -60 to account for a fixed header
// and scroll more quickly than the default 400ms
configureAnchors({offset: 60})
option default description
offset 0 Offset from top on scrolling to the section. Can be used if you have a sticky header.
keepLastAnchorHash false Keep last anchor hash
debounce 100 Debouce the scroll event
scrollDelay 0 Delay between page load and scrolling to the corresponding section
scrollBehaviour 'smooth' Can be 'smooth', 'instant' and 'auto'
scrollOnImagesLoad false Wait until all the images are loaded before scrolling to the section on page load

3. Utilities

A small toolkit of scrolling utilies for use with anchors

Jump to top of page in a way that plays nicely with scrollable anchors
import { goToTop } from 'react-scrollable-url'

// scroll to top of the page

Issues and feature requests

Please open issues on Github. Issues are easier to address if you include context and code samples.


Please contribute!