
Decorate React components with static properties

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactStatics from '';



Decorate React components with static properties

Table of contents


When working with stateless functional components, or overriding default values on decorated components, applying statics can feel a bit boilerplate-y. This decorator centralizes the static property assignment, and allows for easy decorated composition.



import React from "react";
import statics from "react-statics";

const App = ({ foo }, { bar }) => (
    {foo}: {bar}

export default statics({
  contextTypes: {
    bar: PropTypes.node.isRequired
  displayName: "MySpecialApp",
  propTypes: {
    foo: PropTypes.string.isRequired


import React from "react";
import { translate } from "react-i18next";
import { connect } from "react-redux";
import statics from "react-statics";
import { compose } from "redux";

const App = ({ foo }, { bar }) => (
    {foo}: {bar}

export default compose(
    contextTypes: {
      bar: PropTypes.node.isRequired
    displayName: "MySpecialApp",
    propTypes: {
      foo: PropTypes.string.isRequired
  connect(({ reducer }) => reducer)

NOTE: To ensure the values passed override any assigned by other composed decorators, place statics last to execute in the composition chain.


Standard stuff, clone the repo and npm install dependencies. The npm scripts available:

  • build => run rollup to build development dist files
  • clean => run clean:dist, clean:es, and clean:lib
  • clean:dist => remove all existing files in the dist folder
  • clean:es => remove all existing files in the es folder
  • clean:lib => remove all existing files in the lib folder
  • dev => run webpack dev server to run example app / playground
  • dist => runs clean:dist and build
  • lint => run ESLint against all files in the src folder
  • lint:fix => run ESLint against all files in the src folder, fixing anything it can automatically
  • prepublish => runs prepublish:compile when publishing
  • prepublish:compile => run lint, test:coverage, transpile:lib, transpile:es, and dist
  • test => run AVA test functions with NODE_ENV=test
  • test:coverage => run test but with nyc for coverage checker
  • test:watch => run test, but with persistent watcher
  • transpile:lib => run babel against all files in src to create files in lib
  • transpile:es => run babel against all files in src to create files in es, preserving ES2015 modules (for pkg.module)