
React tooling for rendering text in segregated word containers like rapgenius.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactTextAssembler from '';



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React tooling for rendering text in segregated word containers like rapgenius.

See Storybook for docs and more examples.


import { TextAssembler } from "react-text-assembler";

function App() {
    const text =
        "They say I pretend or lie\r\nAll I write. No such thing.\r\nIt simply is that I\r\nFeel by imagining.\r\nI don't use the heart-string.\r\n\r\nAll that I dream or lose,\r\nThat falls short or dies on me,\r\nIs like a terrace which looks\r\nOn another thing beyond.\r\nIt's that thing leads me on.\r\n\r\nAnd so I write in the middle\r\nOf things not next one's feet,\r\nFree from my own muddle,\r\nConcerned for what is not.\r\nFeel? Let the reader feel!";
    return <TextAssembler text={text} />;

You can use your own custom Word and/or Line renderers but this library also exposes the default implementations in case you want to add up to them instead doing a completely custom approach.

import {Word, IWordProps, Line, ILineProps} from "react-text-assembler";
function MyCustomWordComponent(props:IWordProps){
    //do whatever custom work you want
    //you can also wrap the Word with your own component
    return <Word {...props} />
function MyCustomLineComponent(props:ILineProps){
    //do whatever custom work you want
    //you can also wrap the Line with your own component (like using a bullet list)
    return <Line {...props} />
function App() {
    return <TextAssembler wordComponent={MyCustomWordComponent} lineComponent={MyCustomLineComponent}/>