
Relay-inspired library based on Promises instead of GraphQL.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactTransmitNr from '';


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React Transmit

Relay-inspired library based on Promises instead of GraphQL.

Inspired by: Building the Facebook Newsfeed with Relay (React blog)


  • Implements the official Relay API methods.
  • Higher-order component (HOC) syntax just like Relay.
  • Declare composable Promise-based queries in HOCs.
  • Isomorphic architecture supports server-side rendering.
  • Works with React 0.12 and 0.13, and React Native!


    # For web or Node:
    npm install react-transmit
    # For React Native:
    npm install react-transmit-native


Newsfeed.js (read the comments)

import React    from "react";
import Transmit from "react-transmit";  // Import Transmit.
import Story    from "./Story";

const Newsfeed = React.createClass({
    render () {
        const stories = this.props.stories;  // Transmit props are guaranteed.
        return => <Story story={story} />); // Pass down props.

// Higher-order component that will do queries for the above React component.
export default Transmit.createContainer(Newsfeed, {
    queryParams: {
        count: 10  // Default query params.
    queries: {
        // Query names become the Transmit prop names. 
        stories (queryParams) {
            // This "stories" query returns a Promise composed of 3 other Promises.
            return Promise.all([
                Story.getQuery("story", {storyId: 1}),
                Story.getQuery("story", {storyId: 2}),
                Story.getQuery("story", {storyId: 3})

Story.js (read the comments)

import React    from "react";
import Transmit from "react-transmit";  // Import Transmit.

const Story = React.createClass({
    render () {
        const story = this.props.story; // Passed down props.
        return <p>{story.content}</p>;

export default Transmit.createContainer(Story, {
    queries: {
        // This "story" query returns a Fetch API promise.
        story (queryParams) {
            return fetch("https://some.api/stories/" + queryParams.storyId).then(resp => resp.json());




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BSD 3-Clause license. Copyright © 2015, Rick Wong. All rights reserved.