
This is project create support reactstrap on react native web

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reactstrapNativeWeb from '';



This is project create support library bootstrap on react native and react native web

Table of contents


If using yarn:

yarn add reactstrap-native-web@beta

If using npm:

npm i reactstrap-native-web@beta

Global Style


  1. Create file styles any (recommended use name: or if you use the typescript in a folder style)
  2. Load theme default or dynamic theme you want.
    import {buildTheme} from 'reactstrap-native-web';
    import {StyleSheet} from 'react-native'  
    const themes = buildTheme({
      lightTheme: {
        spacer: 30,  
        colors: {
          primary: 'red',
    export const bootstrap = StyleSheet.create(themes.default.styleSheet);
    export const lightTheme = StyleSheet.create(themes.lightTheme.styleSheet);
    And then you can import global style anywhere Note: when we define colors variable for any theme will auto-generate text color, background color, and border color equivalent Beside about spacer variable will auto-generate margin and padding equivalent please reference spacing
  3. Theme defaults similar :root of bootstrap
    export default {
      spacer: 16,
      colors: {
        blue: '#007bff',
        indigo: '#6610f2',
        purple: '#6f42c1',
        pink: '#e83e8c',
        red: '#dc3545',
        orange: '#fd7e14',
        yellow: '#ffc107',
        green: '#28a745',
        teal: '#20c997',
        cyan: '#17a2b8',
        white: '#fff',
        gray: '#6c757d',
        grayDark: '#343a40',
        primary: '#007bff',
        secondary: '#6c757d',
        success: '#28a745',
        info: '#17a2b8',
        warning: '#ffc107',
        danger: '#dc3545',
        light: '#f8f9fa',
        dark: '#343a40',

Document Structure Dynamic Theme

Name Description Default Type Required
colors Define color for your dynamic theme or override theme default None Object false
spacer Number present size please reference spacing 16 Number false
### Text Color
  • Generate when we setting colors
  • Example:
     import {buildTheme} from 'reactstrap-native-web';
     import {StyleSheet} from 'react-native'   
     const themes = buildTheme({
         lightTheme: {
            spacer: 30,  
            colors: {
              primary: 'red',

     export const bootstrap = StyleSheet.create(themes.default.styleSheet);
     export const lightTheme = StyleSheet.create(themes.lightTheme.styleSheet);
  • Auto generate text color for lightTheme:
   import {StyleSheet} from "react-native";

     textPrimary: {
         color: 'red'        
  • we can access style in code the following:
     export const ExampleComponent = () => {
         return (
             <View style={lightTheme.textPrimary}/>

Background Color

  • Generate when we setting colors
  • Example:
     import {buildTheme} from 'reactstrap-native-web';
     import {StyleSheet} from 'react-native'   
     const themes = buildTheme({
         lightTheme: {
             spacer: 30,  
             colors: {
                 primary: 'red',
     export const bootstrap = StyleSheet.create(themes.default.styleSheet);
     export const lightTheme = StyleSheet.create(themes.lightTheme.styleSheet);
  • Auto generate background color for lightTheme:
     import {StyleSheet} from "react-native";
         bgPrimary: {
             backgroundColor: 'red'        
  • we can access style in code the following:
     export const ExampleComponent = () => {
         return (
             <View style={lightTheme.bgPrimary}/>

Border Color

  • Generate when we setting colors
  • Example:
     import {buildTheme} from 'reactstrap-native-web';
     import {StyleSheet} from 'react-native'   
     const themes = buildTheme({
         lightTheme: {
             spacer: 30,  
             colors: {
                 primary: 'red',
     export const bootstrap = StyleSheet.create(themes.default.styleSheet);
     export const lightTheme = StyleSheet.create(themes.lightTheme.styleSheet);
  • Auto generate border color for lightTheme:
     import {StyleSheet} from "react-native";
         borderPrimary: {
           borderColor: 'red',    
         borderFullPrimary: {
           borderWidth: 1,
           borderColor: 'red',
           borderStyle: 'solid',     
         borderBottomPrimary: {
           borderBottomColor: 'red',
           borderBottomWidth: 1,
           borderStyle: 'solid',
         borderLeftPrimary: {
           borderLeftColor: 'red',
           borderLeftWidth: 1,
           borderStyle: 'solid',
         borderRightPrimary: {
           borderRightColor: 'red',
           borderRightWidth: 1,
           borderStyle: 'solid',
         borderTopPrimary: {
            borderTopColor: 'red',
            borderTopWidth: 1,
            borderStyle: 'solid',
  • we can access style in code the following:
     export const ExampleComponent = () => {
         return (
             <View style={lightTheme.borderFullPrimary}/>

Border Width

  • Generate when we setting spacer
  • Example:
     import {buildTheme} from 'reactstrap-native-web';
     import {StyleSheet} from 'react-native'   
     const themes = buildTheme({
         lightTheme: {
             spacer: 30,  
             colors: {
                 primary: 'red',
     export const bootstrap = StyleSheet.create(themes.default.styleSheet);
     export const lightTheme = StyleSheet.create(themes.lightTheme.styleSheet);
  • Auto generate border width for lightTheme:
     import {StyleSheet} from "react-native";
         border0: {
             borderWidth: 0,
         borderB0: {
             borderBottomWidth: 0,
         borderE0: {
             borderEndWidth: 0,
         borderL0: {
             borderLeftWidth: 0,
         borderR0: {
             borderRightWidth: 0,
         borderS0: {
             borderStartWidth: 0,
         borderT0: {
             borderTopWidth: 0,
         borderX0: {
             borderRightWidth: 0,
             borderLeftWidth: 0,
         borderY0: {
             borderBottomWidth: 0,
             borderTopWidth: 0,
         ... generate => spacer / 2 ,  
         border15: {
             borderWidth: 15,
  • we can access style in code the following:
     export const ExampleComponent = () => {
         return (
             <View style={lightTheme.border3}/>


  • Generate when we setting spacer
  • Example:
     import {buildTheme} from 'reactstrap-native-web';
     import {StyleSheet} from 'react-native'   
     const themes = buildTheme({
         lightTheme: {
             spacer: 30,  
             colors: {
                 primary: 'red',
     export const bootstrap = StyleSheet.create(themes.default.styleSheet);
     export const lightTheme = StyleSheet.create(themes.lightTheme.styleSheet);
  • Auto generate padding for lightTheme according to the rate of spacing of the bootstrap
     import {StyleSheet} from "react-native";
         p0: {
             padding: 0,
         pb0: {
             paddingBottom: 0,
         pl0: {
             paddingLeft: 0,
         pt0: {
             paddingTop: 0,
         pr0: {
             paddingRight: 0,
         px0: {
             paddingHorizontal: 0,
         py0: {
             paddingVertical: 0,
         ... generate => 5,
         p5: {
             padding: spacer * 3,
  • we can access style in code the following:
     export const ExampleComponent = () => {
         return (
             <View style={lightTheme.p3}/>


  • Generate when we setting spacer
  • Example:
     import {buildTheme} from 'reactstrap-native-web';
     import {StyleSheet} from 'react-native'   
     const themes = buildTheme({
         lightTheme: {
             spacer: 30,  
             colors: {
                 primary: 'red',
     export const bootstrap = StyleSheet.create(themes.default.styleSheet);
     export const lightTheme = StyleSheet.create(themes.lightTheme.styleSheet);
  • Auto generate margin for lightTheme according to the rate of spacing of the bootstrap
     import {StyleSheet} from "react-native";
         m0: {
             margin: 0,
         mb0: {
             marginBottom: 0,
         ml0: {
             marginLeft: 0,
         mt0: {
             marginTop: 0,
         mr0: {
             marginRight: 0,
         mx0: {
             marginHorizontal: 0,
         my0: {
             marginVertical: 0,
         ... generate => 5,
         m5: {
             margin: spacer * 3,
  • we can access style in code the following:
     export const ExampleComponent = () => {
         return (
             <View style={lightTheme.m3}/>

Width and Height


Class Properties
flex display: 'flex'
hidden display: 'none'
### Overflow
Class Properties
:------------------ :----------------------
overflowVisible overflow: 'visible'
overflowHidden overflow: 'hidden'
### Position
Class Properties
:---------- :------------------------------------------
relative position: 'relative'
absolute position: 'absolute'
inset0 top: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0, right: 0
insetY0 top: 0, bottom: 0
insetX0 left: 0, right: 0
top0 top: 0
right0 right: 0
bottom0 bottom: 0
left0 left: 0
### ZIndex
Class Properties
:------ :--------------
z0 zIndex: 0
z10 zIndex: 10
z20 zIndex: 20
z30 zIndex: 30
z40 zIndex: 50
z50 zIndex: 50
### Font Size
Class Properties
:---------- :--------------
textXs fontSize: 12
textSm fontSize: 14
textBase fontSize: 16
textLg fontSize: 18
textXl fontSize: 20
text2xl fontSize: 24
text3xl fontSize: 30
text4xl fontSize: 36
text5xl fontSize: 48
text6xl fontSize: 64
### Font Weight
Class Properties
:-------------- :----------------------
fontHairline fontWeight: 100
fontThin fontWeight: 200
fontLight fontWeight: 300
fontNormal fontWeight: 'normal'
fontMedium fontWeight: 500
fontSemibold fontWeight: 600
fontBold fontWeight: 'bold'
fontExtrabold fontWeight: 800
fontBlack fontWeight: 900
### Letter Spacing
Class Properties
:------------------ :----------------------
trackingTighter letterSpacing: -0.8
trackingTight letterSpacing: -0.4
trackingNormal letterSpacing: 0
trackingWide letterSpacing: 0.4
trackingWider letterSpacing: 0.8
trackingWidest letterSpacing: 1.6
### Line Height
Class Properties
:------------------ :------------------
leadingNone lineHeight: 1
leadingTight lineHeight: 1.25
leadingSnug lineHeight: 1.375
leadingNormal lineHeight: 1.5
leadingRelaxed lineHeight: 1.625
leadingLoose lineHeight: 2
### Text Align
Class Properties
:-------------- :----------------------
textAuto textAlign: auto
textLeft textAlign: left
textRight textAlign: right
textCenter textAlign: center
textJustify textAlign: justify
### Text Decoration
Class Properties
:---------------------- :----------------------------------------------
noUnderline textDecorationLine: 'none'
underline textDecorationLine: 'underline'
lineThrough textDecorationLine: 'line-through'
underlineLineThrough textDecorationLine: 'underline line-through'
### Text Transform
Class Properties
:-------------- :------------------------------
normalCase textTransform: 'none'
uppercase textTransform: 'uppercase'
lowercase textTransform: 'lowercase'
capitalize textTransform: 'capitalize'
### Flex Direction
Class Properties
:------------------ :----------------------------------
flexRow flexDirection: 'row'
flexRowReverse flexDirection: 'row-reverse'
flexCol flexDirection: 'column'
flexColReverse flexDirection: 'column-reverse'
### Flex Wrap
Class Properties
:------------------ :--------------------------
flexWrap flexWrap: 'wrap'
flexWrapReverse flexWrap: 'wrap-reverse'
flexNoWrap flexWrap: 'nowrap'
### Align Items
Class Properties
:------------------ :--------------------------
itemsStart alignItems: 'flex-start'
itemsEnd alignItems: 'flex-end'
itemsCenter alignItems: 'center'
itemsStretch alignItems: 'stretch'
itemsBaseline alignItems: 'baseline'
### Align Content
Class Properties
:------------------ :------------------------------
contentStart alignContent: 'flex-start'
contentEnd alignContent: 'flex-end'
contentCenter alignContent: 'center'
contentStretch alignContent: 'stretch'
contentBetween alignContent: 'space-between'
contentAround alignContent: 'space-around'
### Align Self
Class Properties
:-------------- :--------------------------
selfAuto alignSelf: 'auto'
selfStart alignSelf: 'flex-start'
selfEnd alignSelf: 'flex-end'
selfCenter alignSelf: 'center'
selfStretch alignSelf: 'stretch'
selfBaseline lignSelf: 'baseline'
### Justify Content
Class Properties
:------------------ :----------------------------------
justifyStart justifyContent: 'flex-start'
justifyEnd justifyContent: 'flex-end'
justifyCenter justifyContent: 'center'
justifyBetween justifyContent: 'space-between'
justifyAround justifyContent: 'space-around'
justifyEvenly justifyContent: 'space-evenly'
### Flex
Class Properties
:--------- :-----------
flexNone flex: 0
flexAuto flex: 1
### Flex Grow
Class Properties
:-------------- :------------------
flexGrow flexGrow: 1
flexGrowNone flexGrow: 0
### Flex Shrink
Class Properties
:------------------ :------------------
flexShrink flexShrink: 1
flexShrinkNone flexShrink: 0
## Container Component
### Usage
import {Container} from 'reactstrap-native-web';
### Document
Name Description
:---------- :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
fluid Type container you want: "sm", "md", "lg", "xl", true
You can reference link Container bootstrap to know use them
debug Support debug for container component ( add border around container component )

Example with default container and enable debug

import React from 'react';
import {View, Text} from 'react-native';
import {Container} from 'reactstrap-native-web';

export const ContainerWithDebug = () => {
  return (
    <Container debug>

On Web On IOS On Android
containerWithDebug.js containerWithDebug.js containerWithDebug.js

Row Component


import {Row} from 'reactstrap-native-web';


Col Component


import {Col} from 'reactstrap-native-web';


Name Description Default Type Required
col Number column: [1...12] or 'auto' or object: {size: number, offset: number}
You can reference link Column Reactstrap
None String or Number or Object true
sm Number column: [1...12] or 'auto' or object: {size: number, offset: number}
You can reference link Column Reactstrap
None String or Number or Object false
md Number column: [1...12] or 'auto' or object: {size: number, offset: number}
You can reference link Column Reactstrap
None String or Number or Object false
xl Number column: [1...12] or 'auto' or object: {size: number, offset: number}
You can reference link Column Reactstrap
None String or Number or Object false
lg Number column: [1...12] or 'auto' or object: {size: number, offset: number}
You can reference link Column Reactstrap
None String or Number or Object false
debug Support debug false Boolean false
### Example
import React from 'react';
import {Text} from 'react-native';
import {Container, Row, Col} from 'reactstrap-native-web';

export const TestColumn = () => { return (

Col 6 Col 6 ); }; ``` | On Web | On IOS | On Android | |:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |:---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------:|:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------:| | ![](assets/col/web.gif) [demo.js](examples/RuuiProject/src/examples/Col/demo.js) | ![](assets/col/ios.png) [demo.js](examples/RuuiProject/src/examples/Col/demo.js) | ![](assets/col/android.png) [demo.js](examples/RuuiProject/src/examples/Col/demo.js) |

Image Component


import {Image} from 'reactstrap-native-web';


Use library react-native-fit-image


Please reference link react-native-fit-image

TextShadow Component


import {TextShadow} from 'reactstrap-native-web';


Name Description Default Type Required
children string text shadow Text Shadow String false
style style for text Text Style None TextStyleProps false
textShadow string shadow as css text shadow None String true
### Example
import {TextShadow} from 'reactstrap-native-web';

export const TextShadowDemo = () => { return ( <View style={{flex: 1, backgroundColor: "#232323"}}> <TextShadow textShadow={'0 0 5px #FFF, 0 0 10px #FFF, 0 0 15px #FFF, 0 0 20px #49ff18, 0 0 30px #49FF18, 0 0 40px #49FF18, 0 0 55px #49FF18, 0 0 75px #49ff18'} style={{color: "#FFFFFF"}} /> ); };

| On Android | On IOS |
|![](assets/TextShadow/android.gif) | ![](assets/TextShadow/ios.gif) |
## Inspired by
- [Library Reactstrap](
- [React native taildwincss](
## Contributing
Pull requests are always welcome! Feel free to open a new GitHub issue for any changes that can be made.

**Working on your first Pull Request?** You can learn how from this *free* series [How to Contribute to an Open Source Project on GitHub](

## Author
Pham Minh Hai Au

## License