
Value management for React components.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import realue from '';



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⚛️ Simple value management for React components.


  • Frees developers from value handling logic so that they can focus on the user experience.
  • Enforces reusable components based on { value, name, onChange(value, name, payload?) } properties.
  • Provides helpers for commonly used value types.



Install with the Node Package Manager:

npm install realue

Alternatively, checkout this repository and install the development dependencies to build the module file:

git clone
cd realue
npm install


Everything is exported from the main entry-point.

With JavaScript 6 modules:

import { object } from 'realue'

With CommonJS:

const { object } = require('realue')



Show caption
  • 🏗 Under construction: the implementation is subject to change soon
  • ➡️ Arguments
  • ⬆️ Used props: { required, optional? }
  • ⬇️ Injected props: { always, optional? }

The realue module exposes the following functions:

Element creator


➡️ (component, propsOrChild, ...children)

Creates a react element from the provided component, setting its props to propsOrChild if it is an object or null, and its children to propsOrChild if it is not an object and the rest of the provided children.

Similar to a reduced version of hyperscript.

  $('h1', 'Realue'),
  $('p', 'A simple set of tools and decorators for React.'),
  $('p', { style: { color: 'gold' } }, 'Watchout, it is very addictive.'),

Value-based decorators


⬆️ { defaultValue?, value? }

⬇️ { value? }

Sets value to defaultValue if value is nil.


⬆️ { initialValue?, value? }

⬇️ { value? }

Sets value to initialValue on first render, if initialValue is not nil, then to value for subsequent renders.


⬆️ { value? }

⬇️ { value }

Keeps the last non-nil value of prop value.


⬆️ { transformValue?, transformOnChange? }

⬇️ { value?, onChange? }

Replaces value with the return value of transformValue(value, previous?: { transformedValue, value }), if set. Note that previous is not provided when the component first mounts, since there are no previous prop values. Replaces value passed to onChange(value, name, payload) with the return value of transformOnChange(value, name, payload, previous: { transformedValue?, value? }), if set.


⬆️ { filterValue?, filterOnChange? }

⬇️ { onPush }

Prevents value update if filterValue(value, previousValue) is set and returns false. Prevents onChange call if filterOnChange(value, name, payload) is set and returns false. Using onPush calls onChange unconditionally.


⬆️ { onChange, delay }

⬇️ { onChange, onPush(value, name, payload?) }

Delays onChange calls until after delay milliseconds have elapsed since the last call. Renames undelayed onChange as onPush.


⬆️ { value, delay? }

⬇️ { value? }

Suspends value changes for delay milliseconds. Subsequent value or delay changes cancel previous suspensions. Last suspension is canceled if value is set to the value prior the start of the suspension. Calling the injected method onPull immediately sets value to the latest value.


⬆️ { value?, onPull? }

⬇️ { value, onChange, onPull? }

Enables prop value to be locally editable while staying in sync with its parent value. The prop can be updated with prop onChange(value, name, payload), which triggers the optional parent prop onChange. Calling onPull() sets the local value to the parent value. The return value of the optional parent prop onPull(newValue, previousValue) is used on prop value changes or when calling onPull().


⬆️ { value, name, onChange, onPull(value, previousValue)? }

⬇️ { value, onChange, onPull(), onPush(payload?) }

Enables the value prop to be locally editable when onChange is set, while staying in sync with its parent value. The value can be updated with prop onChange(value, name, payload), which triggers the parent prop onChange. Calling onPull() sets the local value to the parent value. The return value of the optional parent prop onPull(newValue, previousValue) is used on value changes or when calling onPull().


⬆️ { value, values?, name, onChange }

⬇️ { onCycle(payload?) }

Injects prop cycle(payload) that cycles the value prop through the values of values prop, which default to [false, true]. Calls onChange(value, name, payload).


⬆️ { value? }

⬇️ { value }

Replaces promise value with { done, error, value }. Before the promise resolves, done is false and value is undefined. If an error occured in the promise, error is set to it. Otherwise, the value is set to the resolved value and done is true. If a new promise is provided, the previously resolved value is kept until the new one resolves.


⬆️ { editing?, onChange, onPush? }

⬇️ { editing, onChangeEditing, onToggleEditing }

Sets the editing prop and enables its toggling through the onToggleEditing() prop.


➡️ (path)

⬆️ { name, onChange? }

⬇️ { onChange(value) }

Adapts onChange for components that call it by providing the value as a first argument. If the path is not nil, extracts the value from get(value, path).


⬆️ { value }

⬇️ { ...value }

Merges the properties of the value object prop into the props.


⬆️ { value?, onChange? }

⬇️ { value? }

Persists prop value in the storage found in prop storage, optionally prepending the value found in domain to the key when looking for the value. On mount, if the value is found in the storage, it is set to prop value. Its value is updated in the storage when onChange(value, name, payload) is called.

Promised-based tools


➡️ (target, event, listener?, options?)

Listens for event on target, calling listener(event) at each incoming event. The provided options are identical to those provided to addEventListener. Returns a function that removes the listener from the target for the specified event. If listener is not defined, returns a function that accepts the remaining (listener, options) arguments.


➡️ (duration, signal)

Returns a promise that resolves after at least duration milliseconds. If a signal is provided, listens to it to cancel the promise.


➡️ (register, signal, sentinel = stubTrue)

Listens for an event with the provided register function until sentinel(event) returns a truthy value. If a signal is provided, listens to it to cancel the promise.


➡️ ()

Returns a promise that waits for the browser to be back online. Resolves to true if it it was offline before calling this function, false otherwise. If a signal is provided, listens to it to cancel the promise.


➡️ (initialValue)

Returns a listenable value set to the provided initialValue encapsulated in an object with the following properties:

  • value: the actual value
  • on(listener): a listener registerer that returns an unregisterer for this function
  • set(value): a new value setter that gets emitted to all registered listeners
const height = listenable(0)
function log(value) {
  console.log(`Updated to ${value}`)
const off = height.on(log)
// Returns 0
// Calls `log(300)`
// Stops loging value changes

Tooling decorators


➡️ (propNames, title?)

Logs the provided propNames whenever they change. Uses title as console group (defaults to decorated component name).

This function can be made available globally by importing realue/src/register-loggers.js first.


➡️ (name)

Sets the provided display name to the component.


➡️ (propNames)

Removes provided propNames.


➡️ (destinationName, propNames)

Groups propNames into an object stored at destinationName and updates them when any property value listed in propNames changes.



➡️ (provider, propName = 'value')

⬆️ {}

⬇️ { [propName] }

Injects a context provider that takes its value from [propName].


➡️ (consumer, propName = 'value')

⬆️ {}

⬇️ { [propName] }

Injects the value of the context consumer into [propName].



➡️ (shouldHandleOrKeys, handler)

Similar to useEffect. Runs handler(props) at mount and on update when shouldHandleOrKeys, in case it is an array of prop names, mentions a prop name whose value changed, or, in case of a function, returns true when called with (prevProps, nextProps). If the handler returns a callback, it is called on update before the next handler call or on unmount.

// Listens for a given event and updates whenever `event` or `listener` changes
const withListener = withEffect(
  ['event', 'listener'],
  ({ event: eventName, listener }) => {
    window.addEventListener(eventName, listener)
    return () => window.removeEventListener(eventName, listener)


➡️ (shouldHandleOrKeys, handler)

Similar to withEffect, except that it runs the handler at component construction and before each render if shouldHandleOrKeys returns true.


➡️ (handler)

Runs handler() when the first element of this component is mounted. If the handler returns a callback, it is called when the last element of this component is unmounted. If the handler returns false, it will never be run again for this component.


➡️ (handler)

Runs handler() when the first element of this component is constructed (that is, before it mounts). If the handler returns a callback, it is called when the last element of this component is unmounted. If the handler returns false, it will never be run again for this component.


➡️ (shouldHandleOrKeys, handler, callOnMount = true)

Similar to withPropsOnChange, except that the values of the handler are not merged into the props. The handler is called when the component is first mounted if callOnMount is true (default value).


➡️ (hook, source, result)

Uses the provided hook, with the arguments extracted from source, and reinjects the value from result back into the props.

const Counter = compose(
  withProps({ initialCount: 0 }),
  withHook(useState, ['initialCount'], ['count', 'onChangeCount']),
)(({ count, onChangeCount }) =>
    'Count: ',
    $('button', { onClick: () => onChangeCount(count + 1) }, 'Increment'),

Scoped-based decorators


➡️ (decorators)

⬆️ { [any] }

⬇️ {}

Processes the decorators in an isolated props scope so as to avoid poluting the passed props.

  withProps({ value: 1 }),
  scoped(withProps({ value: 2, otherValue: 3 })),
  // Logs unique prop `value` that equals `1`


➡️ (propsMapper)

⬆️ { [any] }

⬇️ { __return }

Enables the injection of props from an isolated scope. The propsMapperOrMap can be a function that takes the current props and returns the props to inject, or a name list or map of prop names similar to the one provided to picked().

scoped(...decorators, returned(picked({ user: 'value' })))

scoped(...decorators, returned(omitted(['value'])))


Boxes the execution of one or several decorators with the picked inputMapperOrMap and injects into the props the one picked by outputMapperOrMap.

box(['value', 'request'], compose(withEntityQuery, queried, flattenValue), [

Property-based decorators


➡️ ({ name, defaultName? } | name)

⬆️ { [name]?, [defaultName]? }

⬇️ { [name]? }

Sets [name] to [defaultName] if [name] is nil.


➡️ (name)

⬇️ { [name]: true | false }

Injects a property [name] that cycles between true and false at each render.


➡️ ({ name, initialName? } | name)

⬆️ { [name]?, [initialName]? }

⬇️ { [name]? }

Sets [name] to [initialName] on first render if [initialName] is not nil, then to [name] for subsequent renders.


➡️ ({ name, delayName?, onPullName? } | name)

⬆️ { [name], [delayName] }

⬇️ { [name], [onPullName] }

Suspends [name] changes for [delayName] milliseconds. Subsequent [name] changes cancel previous suspensions. Calling the injected method [onPullName] immediately sets [name] to the latest value. If [delayName] is falsy, no suspension occurs, nor the injection of [onPullName].


➡️ ({ name, constantName } | name)

⬆️ { [name]? }

⬇️ { [name] }

Keeps the last non-nil value of prop [name]. If constantName is provided, keeps the last non-nil value of prop [name] only if prop [constantName] did change. If delayName is provided, unconditionally updates the value of prop [name] only if prop [delayName] is truthy.


➡️ ({ name, delayName?, onPushName?, mode? } | name)

⬆️ { [name], [delayName] }

⬇️ { [name], [onPushName] }

Delays [name] calls until after [delayName] milliseconds have elapsed since the last call if options.mode is 'debounce' (default value), or calls [name] at most once every [delayName] milliseconds if options.mode is 'throttle'. The mode can also be a function that returns a callback based from the ([name], [delayName]) arguments. Renames undelayed [name] as ['onPush' + name]. If [delayName] is falsy, no delay occurs nor the injection of [onPushName].


➡️ ({ name, onChangeName? } | name)

⬆️ { [name]? }

⬇️ { [onChangeName] }

Enables a value prop of a given name to be locally editable. The value can be updated with onChangeName.


➡️ ({ name, onChangeName?, onPullName? } | name)

⬆️ { [name]?, [onPullName]? }

⬇️ { [name], [onChangeName], [onPullName]? }

Enables a prop with a given name to be locally editable while staying in sync with its parent value. The prop can be updated with prop [onChangeName](value, name, payload), which triggers the optional parent prop [onChangeName]. Calling [onPullName]() sets the local value to the parent value. The return value of the optional parent prop [onPullName](newValue, previousValue) is used on prop [name] changes or when calling [onPullName]().


➡️ ({ name, valuesName?, onCycleName?, onChangeName?, nameName? } | name)

⬆️ { [name]? }

⬇️ { [onChangeName] }

Injects prop [onCycleName](payload) that cycles the value of prop [name] through the values found in prop [valuesName] which default to [false, true]. Calls [onChangeName](value, name, payload) with name taken from prop [nameName] or name.


➡️ (name)

⬆️ { [name]? }

⬇️ { [name] }

Replaces the promise at prop [name] with { done, error, value }. Before the promise resolves, done is false and value is undefined. If an error occured in the promise, error is set to it. Otherwise, the value is set to the resolved value amd done is true. If the propmise at prop [name] changes, done, error, and value are reset and any previous promise is discarded.


➡️ ({ name, onChangeName, domainName, storageName } | name)

⬆️ { [name]?, [onChangeName]? }

⬇️ { [name]? }

Persists prop [name] in the storage found in prop [storageName], optionally prepending the value found in [domainName] to the key when looking for the value. On mount, if the value is found in the storage, it is set to prop [name]. Its value is updated in the storage when [onChangeName](value, name, payload) is called.

const STORAGE = new Map()

const PersistedInput = compose(
  withProps({ domain: 'persisted', storage: STORAGE }),


⬆️ ({ handlerName, sentinelName })

⬇️ { [handlerName] }

Delays [handlerName] calls until after [sentinelName] is truthy.

Children-based decorators


➡️ (Component, childProps?, { valueName?, destinationName? })

⬆️ { [valueName]?, item? }

⬇️ { children }

Builds an array that maps every item from the [valueName] prop ('value' by default) with the result of <Component {...childProps(props)(itemValue, itemIndex)} and injects it as a [destinationName] prop ('children' by default).

function Item({ value }) {
  return $('li', value)
const List = compose(array, withChildren(Item))('ul')
const element = $(List, { value: [1, 2, 3] })


➡️ (Component | { [string]: [Component, childProps()] | Component }, childProps(props, name?)?, { destinationName? })

⬆️ { [valueName]?, property? }

⬇️ { children }

If ChildComponentOrMap is a component, builds an element from the provided ChildComponentOrMap with the props from childProps(props, undefined) and injects it as a [destinationName] prop ('children' by default). Otherwise, if ChildComponentOrMap is a mapping of name: [Component, childProps()] | Component, transforms this mapping into name: $(Component, childProps(props, name)) and injects it into the props at destinationName ('children' by default). If childProps is not defined, defaults to returning the result of merged into the props, if and are defined. Otherwise, all props are provided.

const Person = compose(
    name: StringInput,
    lastName: StringInput,
    age: NumberInput,
)(({ children }) => $('div',, children.lastName, children.age))
const Article = compose(withChild(Toolbar))(({ value, children }) =>
  $('div', $('p', value), children),


➡️ (propNameOrPicker, { [string]: [Component, childProps()] | Component }, { destinationName? })

⬆️ props | { [propNameOrPicker]? }

⬇️ { children }

Builds the element from componentMap[key], with key being the value of the prop name propNameOrPicker, if propNameOrPicker is a string, or of the value returned by propNameOrPicker(props), if propNameOrPicker is a function. The componentMap values are either a [Component, childProps()] couple or just a Component.

const EntityName = compose(
  switchChild('type', {
    user: UserName,
    device: DeviceName,
    setting: SettingName,
    invoice: InvoiceName,

const name = $(EntityName, { type: 'user', id: '42' })

Type-oriented decorators


⬆️ { value?, name, onChange? }

⬇️ { value?, property(name, key?), onChangeProperty(value, name, payload?) }

Provides property(name, key?) that returns the props for the child element responsible of the property name. Also provides onChangeProperty(value, name, payload?) that sets the property name to the provided value. Sets value to {} if not set.


Provides [propertyName](name, key = name) that returns the props for the child element responsible of the property name of the object at [name]. If [onChangeName] is set, also provides [onChangePropertyName](value, name, payload?) that sets the property name of the object at [name] to the provided value, and [onChangePropertiesName](values, payload?) that merges the provided values into the object at [name]. Sets [name] to {} if nil.

➡️ (name | { name, onChangeName?, onChangePropertyName?, onChangePropertiesName?, propertyName?, nameName? })

⬆️ { [name]?, [onChangeName]? }

⬇️ { [name], [propertyName], [onChangePropertyName]?, [onChangePropertiesName]? }


⬆️ { value?, name, onChange? }

⬇️ { properties(names, key?), onChangeProperties(values, names, payload?) }

Enables dispatching a subset of properties to a child element.


⬆️ { value?, name, onChange? }

⬇️ { value?, item(index, key = index), onChangeItem(value, index, payload?), onAddItem(item, index, payload) }

Provides item(index, key = index) that returns the props for the child element responsible of the item index. Also provides onChangeItem(value, index, payload?) that sets the item index to the provided value, and onAddItem(value, index, payload?) that inserts an item with the provided value at index. Sets value to [] if not set.


⬆️ { name, onChange? }

⬇️ { onRemove(payload?) }

Provides onRemove(payload?), which sets the value to undefined and results in removing the item or property.


⬆️ { value? }

⬇️ { value? }

Sets value to false if not set.


⬆️ { value? }

⬇️ { value? }

Sets value to '' if not set.

number 🏗

⬆️ { value? }

⬇️ { value? }

Sets value to 0 if not set.

date 🏗

⬆️ { value? }

⬇️ { value? }

Sets value to new Date(0) if not set.

DOM-based decorators


➡️ (path)

⬆️ { name, onChange? }

⬇️ { onChange(event) }

Creates an onChange handler that takes the value from get(event, path). If path is nil, the value is taken from the value prop instead.


⬆️ { focus }

⬇️ { onFocus, onBlur }

Exposes the synced focus state of an element through the onFocus() and onBlur() callbacks.


⬇️ { onRefresh() }

Adds an onRefresh() prop that enables refreshing the component.


⬆️ { delay? }

⬇️ { onRefresh }

Refreshes the component at a given delay interval. See interval for the behavior based on delay.


➡️ (keys)

⬆️ {}

⬇️ { onKeyDown }

Triggers the specified keys handlers on key down. Each handler is called with the current (props, event).


⬆️ {...domProps, ...nonDomProps}

⬇️ {...domProps}

Only keeps DOM properties.


⬆️ {}

⬇️ { node }

Injects a node reference created with React.createRef() to be applied on any element through the ref attribute.

const Example = withNode(({ node }) =>
  $('div', { ref: node }, node.current ? 'Referenced' : 'Not referenced'),


⬆️ { key }

⬇️ { node }

Renames the provided ref into node.


➡️ (properties = ['height', 'width', 'top', 'left'], offset?)

⬆️ { node, delay? }

⬇️ { top?, left?, width?, height?, pullBounds }

Injects bounds properties returned from offset(node.current), and updateBounds which triggers a bounds update. Uses the optional delay prop as a debounce duration when reading element bounds.

withBounds(['width', 'height'])(({ width, height }) =>
  $('div', 'Dimensions: ', width, ' x ', height),

Query helpers

Query object

Either a single query continaing the following properties:

  • type: string: a string identifying the type object to fetch
  • method: enum { 'get', 'list', 'post', 'put', 'patch', 'delete' }: method to apply on the queried object
  • refresh: boolean: if true, bypasses any cache
  • value: details of the object to fetch in case of get, or contents to save in case of post, put, and patch
  • fields: string[]: array of the field names of the object to fetch
  • start: number: in case of list method, start offset
  • limit: number: in case of list method, maximum amount of items to return
  • filter: { [string]: string | boolean | number | object }: values used to filter
  • order: { key: string, descending: boolean }[]: array of ordering parameters

Or multiple queries grouped into a single property:

  • queries: query[] | { [string]: query }: array or map of queries


➡️ ({ queryName, valueName?, onAbortName?, requestName? } | name)

⬆️ { [queryName], [requestName = 'request'] }

⬇️ { [valueName?], [onAbortName?] }

Calls [requestName](query) whenever the query at [queryName] changes and stores the result progress at [valueName]. An abortion method at [onAbortName] is injected. If called before the query resolves, it aborts it, sending the exception to [valueName].error.


⬆️ { query, request }

⬇️ { value, onAbort }

Calls request(query) whenever the query at query changes and stores the result progress at value. An abortion method at onAbort is injected. If called before the query resolves, it aborts it, sending the exception to value.error.


➡️ ({ amount?, delay?, delayDelta? })

Retries a failed query call up to amount times, with a given delay in milliseconds at ±delayDelta milliseconds. Note that an amount set to Infinity results in indefinitely trying to resolve a query call. Only instances of QueryError will result in new tries. Other errors will propagate immediately.


➡️ (condition, left, right?)

Dispatches an incoming query to left if condition(query) returns a truthy value, right otherwise. This is helpful for sending queries to different resolvers.


const request = compose( split(query => query.protocol === 'gql', gqlHandlers), fetchJson(), )(identity)


➡️ ({ serialize?, engine?, duration? })

Caches the result of a query if serialize returns a non-empty string key. The engine should follow the Map API. Elements are kept in the cache until the duration in milliseconds expires. Note that a duration set to Infinity indefinitely keeps items in the cache.


➡️ ({ categorize?, serialize?, delay?, reduce?, pick? })

Aggregates multiple incoming query calls into one query. Queries are grouped according to the string key returned by categorize(query). Inside a group, each query is identified with serialize(query). The aggregated query is built from the object returned by reduce(queries), after at least delay milliseconds after the first non-aggregated aggregatable query call. When the aggregated query resolves, the result is dispatched back to each aggregatable query call of the category by dispatching the result for each query returned by pick(result, query).`


Runs concurrent queries if query.queries contains a list or a map of queries, resulting in a list or map of resolved queries. Otherwise, passes the query to the next handler.

toFetchQuery(routes, transform?)

➡️ (routes, transform?)

Converts a query into a DOM Fetch query. The resulting query is passed onto transform(query) before sending it. To be used in conjunction with fetchJson().


Calls the DOM Fetch query and processes the successful response with the provided responseHandler, which defaults to requesting the parsed json() response. To be used in conjunction with toFetchQuery().


➡️ (title?)

Logs the outgoing query and the incoming result or the error.

This function can be made available globally by importing realue/src/register-loggers.js first.


➡️ (values)

Returns a key-sorted query string from provided values object.


➡️ (query)

Returns an object containing all search parameters of a provided query.

Immutability-oriented tools


Immutable empty array. Using this instead of [] avoids having several instances of immutable empty arrays.


Empty object to be used in immutable values. Using this instead of {} avoids having several instances of immutable empty objects.


➡️ (array, value, index)

Returns a new array with the value inserted into the array at the provided index, provided value is not undefined, in which case the array is returned untouched. If the index is not provided, the value appended to the array. If the array is nil, it is considered as an EMPTY_ARRAY.


➡️ (array, previousValue, value)

Returns a new array with the first occurence of the previousValue in array replaced by value. Returns the same array if the previousValue is not found. If the array is nil, it is considered as an EMPTY_ARRAY.


➡️ (array, index, value)

Returns a new array with array[index] set to value if array[index] is strictly different from value. Otherwise, returns the provided array. If value is undefined, ensures that the returned array does not contain the item found at index. If index is greater than array.length, appends value to the array. If index equals -1 or is undefined, returns the array untouched. If the array is nil, it is considered as an EMPTY_ARRAY.


➡️ (object, key, value)

Returns a new object with object[key] set to value if object[key] is strictly different from value. Otherwise, returns the provided object. If value is undefined, ensures that the returned object does not contain the key. If key is undefined, returns the object untouched. If object is nil, it is considered as an EMPTY_OBJECT.


➡️ (object, values)

Returns a new object with the properties of values merged into object.


➡️ (target, path, value)

Returns a new object or array based on target with its path set to value. Recursively uses setItem and setProperty based on the type of each path item (number and object, respectively). If path is nil, returns value.

Asynchronous helpers


➡️ (duration, callback)

Calls callback after at least duration milliseconds. Returns a function that cancels the future call of callback, if not already called.


➡️ (duration, callback)

Calls callback at least every duration milliseconds. Returns a function that stops future calls of callback. If duration is falsy, uses requestAnimationFrame.

Storage helpers


Storage that persists between page reloads, until the tab or window is closed. To be used with persistedProp() or persisted.


Persistent storage. To be used with persistedProp() or persisted.

Prop helpers


➡️ (path, defaultValue)

Returns a getter function with the provided path and defaultValue.


➡️ (propNamesOrMap)

Returns a function that returns a subset of the provided object or a mapping of selected property paths.

// Only keeps the `value` prop

// Only keeps the `value` prop renamed to `user`
mapProps(picked({ user: 'value' }))

// Injects selected properties of `value`
  picked({ done: 'value.done', error: 'value.error', value: 'value.value' }),


➡️ (propNames)

Returns a function that returns all props without the ones whose name is in propNames.

// Only omit the `value` prop


➡️ (name)

Returns a function that checks if props[name] is not nil.


➡️ (name)

Returns a function that checks if props[name] is nil.


➡️ (names)

Returns a function that checks if every prop name in names is not nil.


➡️ (names)

Returns a function that checks if some prop name in names is nil.


➡️ (a, b, properties, deep = false)

Returns true if objects a and b have the same properties. Unless provided, properties are the combined set of property names from a and b. If deep is true, considers properties as paths (e.g., p1.p2).


➡️ (properties, deep = true)

Returns a function that returns true if one of the properties of the objects (a, b) differs. This is usefull when deep-nested comparisons are required.

// Extracts the name from a `value` prop and updates it only if it changes
const withName = withPropsOnChange(
  ({ value: { name } }) => ({ name }),

Layout components

:warning: These components must be imported from 'realue/layout'.


Abstracts usage of CSS flexbox.

  { container: true, direction: 'column' },
  $(Flex, { item: true }, 'Small'),
  $(Flex, { item: true, grow: true }, 'Large'),
  $(Flex, { item: true }, 'Small'),


Merges provided style properties into style property.

$(Box, { width: 100, height: '50%', backgroundColor: 'gold' })



➡️ (pattern)

Escapes special characters of a given regular expresion pattern.


➡️ (string, find, replace)

Replaces all occurrences of find by replace in the provided string.


A demo application can be run in the browser with:

npm run build:watch
open http://localhost:1234

You can then inspect and edit the code in the demo/ folder.