
A redux kit that supports async action and many more

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import redukit from '';



A redux kit that supports async action and many more


with NPM

npm i redukit --save

with YARN

yarn add redukit

Peer Dependencies

  • redux


Creating store

import { createStore } from "redukit";

// redukit's createStore has the same signature with redux's
const store = createStore((state, action) => {
  if (action.type === "increase") return state + 1;
  return state;

// dispatch action object
store.dispatch({ type: "increase" });
// dispatch with action type

Using redukit with React

import { createStore } from "redukit";
import { Provider, useStore, useDispatch, useSelector } from "react-redux";

const store = createStore();

function Home() {
  // redukit compatibles with all redux's hooks
  const store = useStore();
  const dispatch = useDispatch();
  const value = useSelector((state) => state.value);

function App() {
  return (
    <Provider store={store}>
      <Home />

Creating async action

const store = createStore((state = { count: 0, message: "" }) => state);

const IncreaseAsync = () => ({
  type: "increase",
  action: async ({ dispatch, getState }) => {
    // delay in 500ms
    await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 500));
    // do something
    dispatch({ type: "otherAction" });
    // get store state
    console.log("state", getState());
  reducer: (state, action) => {
    switch (action.type) {
      case "increase":
        return {
          message: "start",
      case "increase:loading":
        return {
          message: "loading",
      case "increase:error":
        return {
          message: "error",
          error: action.error,
      case "increase:success":
        return {
          message: "success",
          // a return value of actionFn
          result: action.result,
          // increase count state
          count: state.count + 1,
      case "otherAction":
        return state;
    return state;



const Delay = (ms) => () => new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms));

const Search = () => ({
  type: "search",
  action: async (context) => {
    const { dispatch, getState, cancelPrevious, on, cancel } = context;
    // cancel previous execution if any
    // avoid dispatching search action many times
    on((action) => {
      // if user clicks on cancel button
      if (action.type === "cancelSearch") {
        // cancel execution
    // delay searching progress in 300ms
    await dispatch(Delay(300));
    // get term from state
    const term = getState().term;
    // dispatch other action
    const result = await dispatch(
      Api({ endpoint: "search", params: { term } })
    return result;
  reducer: (state, action) =>
    action.type === "search:success"
      ? { ...state, searchResults: action.result }
      : state,

// using latest option instead actionContext.cancelPrevious()
const Search = () => ({
  // once the store dispatches this action, it cancels previous execution if any automatically
  latest: true,
  action: () => {},
  reducer: () => {},

// using debouce option instead of latest + delay
const Search = () => ({
  debounce: 300,
  action: () => {},
  reducer: () => {},

Dispatching action once

const Init = () => ({
  once: true,
  action() {
    // do initializing

// will ignore

Simple react-query implementation

const store = createStore();

function useQuery(key, endpoint, { lazy } = {}) {
  const dispatch = useDispatch();
  const result = useSelector((state) => state[key]) || {};
  const ref = useRef({
  const actionType = `${key}.query`;
  const reducer = {
    // using key as state prop
    [key]: (state, action) => {
      switch (action.type) {
        case `${actionType}:loading`:
          return { loading: true };
        case `${actionType}:success`:
          return action.result;
        case `${actionType}:error`:
          return { error: action.error };
          return state;

  function fetchData(noCache) {
      // multiple action types
      // other reducer can handle query, query:success, query:loading, query:error actions
      type: [actionType, "query"],
      latest: true,
      async action({ getState }) {
        if (!noCache) {
          const existingResult = getState()[key];
          if (existingResult) {
            return existingResult;
        const res = await fetch(endpoint);

        const json = await res.json();

        return {
          data: json,

  function update(data) {
    if (typeof data === "function") {
      data = data(;
      type: actionType,
      action: () => ({ data }),

  useEffect(() => {
    if (!lazy) {
  }, [endpoint, lazy]);

  return {
    refetch: () => fetchData(true),
    fetch: fetchData,

function App() {
  const { loading, data, fetch, refetch, update } = useQuery(

  return (
    <div className="App">
      <button onClick={() => fetch()}>Fetch</button>
      <button onClick={() => refetch()}>Refetch</button>
        onClick={() =>
          update((data) =>
                id: Math.random(),
                name: "New user " + Math.random().toString(36),
            ].concat(data || [])
        Update query data
      {loading && <div>Loading...</div>}
      <pre>{JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)}</pre>