
The node module to send the state changes to the Safari extension (redux-monitor)

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reduxMonitorSpy from '';



Redux Monitor Spy

Redux Monitor Spy is a middleware which communicates the Redux actions with Redux Monitor (Safari web extension).


This application has two parts:

  • The Safari extension which you can find on the App Store.
  • The spy, current repository, which you can install as a yarn/npm dependency.

Browser extension

At the moment Redux monitor is only made for Safari. You can find it on the App Store.

Node module

The Safari extension works in conjunction with spy, a middleware that communicates all Redux actions and the application state with the Safari extension.

Import redux-monitor-spy and add it to your middleware array:

import spy from 'redux-monitor-spy'; // Import this module
import sampleReducer from './reducers';

const middleWares = [spy]; // Then add it to your middleware array.
const App = combineReducers({ sampleReducer });
const store = createStore(App, compose(applyMiddleware(...middleWares)));
export default store;


If you see a feature missing, please open an issue. I'll try to implement new features regularly.

If you're interested in fixing a bug, your contributions are more that welcome. Please open an issue, use the template to explain the bug. Then open an pull request to address said issue.

If you're interested in developing new features, please open an issue, wait for me and other community members to discuss and agree on the acceptance criteria, then start the development.


Since Redux Monitor is specifically developed for Safari, the following list is explained for Mac users.

  • Git
    • brew install git
  • NodeJS
    • brew install node
  • npm
    • npm is shipped with NodeJS. but to have a specific version installed see here.

Environment setup

git clone
cd redux-monitor-spy
npm install


See contributors section.


Redux Monitor is licensed under MIT. Feel free to use it for personal or business purpose.