
Redux Storage engine powered by localForage with support for saving Immutable.js data

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reduxStorageEngineLocalforageImmutablejs from '';


Redux Storage engine: localForage - Immutable.js

Redux Storage engine powered by localForage with support for saving Immutable.js data.

This package is unstable and experimental.


Based on redux-storage-engine-localforage. Copyright (c) 2016 Mathieu Dutour. MIT License.


What's difference between redux-storage-engine-localforage and this package?

IndexedDB can't save Immutable.js type (e.g. Map) as is, it can only save plain Javascript object. Unlike redux-storage-engine-localforage, this package converts the Immutable.js type to plain JS before saving it so you can saving Immutable.js type to IndexedDB. Caveat: Redux Storage will load the data as plain JS type, not Immutable.js type. It's your responsibility as developer to convert the loaded data back to its Immutable.js type.