
Parser for a simplified, regular subset of JavaScript regex

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import reflectType3 from '';


Build status

A parser for a simplified, regular subset of JavaScript regular expressions that doesn’t support capturing.

Because it’s regular, the subset doesn’t support:

  • backreferences

Because it doesn’t support capturing, it doesn’t support:

  • capturing groups ((…) unless (?:…))
  • greediness modifiers

Because it’s simplified, it doesn’t support:

  • assertions (anchors, word boundaries, (?=…), and (?!…))
  • escapes with easy alternatives that are obscure (\cX), uncommon (\f, \v), or syntactically awkward (\0)
  • escapes that aren’t necessary in any context
  • \s and \S (what they match is not obvious)


When syntactically valid, a pattern has the same meaning as it does in JavaScript (i.e. when passed to the RegExp constructor) with no flags.

pattern = disjunction

disjunction = alternative [ "|" disjunction ]

alternative = *term

term = atom [ quantifier ]

quantifier =
    "*" /                      ; zero or more
    "+" /                      ; one or more
    "?" /                      ; zero or one
    "{" *DIGIT "}" /           ; exactly count. counts are at most Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER.
    "{" *DIGIT ",}" /          ; at least count
    "{" *DIGIT "," *DIGIT "}"  ; at least first count and at most second. must be a non-empty range.

atom =
    pattern-character /        ; the character itself
    "." /                      ; any character except CR, LF, U+2028, and U+2029
    "\" atom-escape /
    character-class /
    "(?:" pattern ")"

character-class =
    [ "^" ]                    ; indicates a negated character class

range =
    range-character "-" range-character /  ; must be a non-empty range
    range-character /
    "\" predefined-range

range-character =
    range-plain-character /
    "\" range-escape

character-escape =
    "n" /                      ; LF
    "r" /                      ; CR
    "t" /                      ; tab
    "x" 2hex-digit /
    "u" 4hex-digit

predefined-range =
    "d" / "D" /                ; [0-9], [^0-9]
    "w" / "W"                  ; [0-9A-Za-z_], [^…]

atom-escape =
    character-escape /
    predefined-range /
    pattern-metacharacter /

range-escape =
    character-escape /
    range-metacharacter /
    "/" /

range-metacharacter =
    "^" / "\" / "-" / "]"

pattern-metacharacter =
    "^" / "quot; / "\" / "." / "*" / "+" / "?" /
    "(" / ")" / "[" / "]" / "{" / "}" / "|"

hex-digit =
    HEXDIG /                   ; 0-9A-F
    %x61-66                    ; a-f

pattern-character is any UTF-16 code unit that is not a pattern-metacharacter. Similarly, range-plain-character is any UTF-16 code unit that is not a range-metacharacter.

Parser output format

Every node has a type property (a string). The node types and their properties are:


  • alternatives, a non-empty array of Alternative nodes


  • terms, an array of Term nodes


  • atom, a Character, CharacterClass, or Disjunction node
  • quantifier, null or an object with the following properties:
    • min, the minimum number of repetitions indicated by the quantifier; an integer from 0 to 2^53−1
    • max, the maximum number of repetitions indicated by the quantifier; an integer from min to 2^53−1, or Infinity


  • value, an integer UTF-16 code unit


  • negated, a boolean
  • ranges, an array of objects with inclusive integer start and end properties representing UTF-16 code units

Nodes can be modified safely.



Returns a Disjunction node or throws a PatternError.


The type of error thrown by .parse.


const ret3 = require('reflect-type-3');

    type: 'Disjunction',
    alternatives: [{
        type: 'Alternative',
        terms: [{
            type: 'Term',
            atom: {
                type: 'CharacterClass',
                negated: false,
                ranges: [
                    {start: 97, end: 97},
                    {start: 98, end: 98},
            quantifier: {
                min: 1,
                max: Infinity,