
check RegExp ( regular expressions ) support

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import regexpSupport from '';



check RegExp ( regular expressions ) support


npm install regexp-support

version test log


allow u check support on other RegExp base class

hasSupportFlag(flag: string, RegExpClass?: typeof RegExp, skipPatternCheck?: boolean): boolean
testFlag(flag: string, RegExpClass?: typeof RegExp, flagsPattern?): boolean

RegExpClass can be Object with create, for some class can't create by new

export interface ICreateRegExp
    create(pattern: string, flag?: string, ...argv)


import support from 'regexp-support';




lookAheadPositive, lookAheadNegative

  • aa(?=bb)
  • aa(?!bb)


  • (?<=\$)foo
const RE_DOLLAR_PREFIX = /(?<=\$)foo/g;
'$foo %foo foo'.replace(RE_DOLLAR_PREFIX, 'bar'); // => '$bar %foo foo'


  • (?<!\$)foo
const RE_NO_DOLLAR_PREFIX = /(?<!\$)foo/g;
'$foo %foo foo'.replace(RE_NO_DOLLAR_PREFIX, 'bar'); // => '$foo %bar bar'

node.js 10

{ nativeFlags: 'gimsuy',
   { multiline: true,
     m: true,
     global: true,
     g: true,
     ignoreCase: true,
     i: true,
     sticky: true,
     y: true,
     unicode: true,
     u: true,
     dotAll: true,
     s: true,
     freeSpacing: false,
     x: false,
     n: false },
  flagsAll: { g: true, i: true, m: true, s: true, u: true, y: true },
   { namedCapturingGroups: true,
     namedCapturingGroupsUnicode: true,
     namedCapturingGroupsEmoji: false,
     namedCapturingGroupsBackreference: true,
     namedCapturingGroupsDuplicate: false,
     lookAheadPositive: true,
     lookAheadNegative: true,
     lookBehindPositive: true,
     lookBehindNegative: true,
     dotUnicodeEmoji: true,
     classSub: false },
   { source: true,
     flags: true,
     lastIndex: true,
     dotAll: true,
     global: true,
     ignoreCase: true,
     multiline: true,
     sticky: true,
     unicode: true },
   { '$1': true,
     '$2': true,
     '$3': true,
     '$4': true,
     '$5': true,
     '$6': true,
     '$7': true,
     '$8': true,
     '$9': true,
     input: true,
     '$_': true,
     lastMatch: true,
     'amp;': true,
     lastParen: true,
     '$+': true,
     leftContext: true,

	npm:regexp-support | Skypack
		': true,
     rightContext: true,
     '$\'': true,
     '$10': false,
     '$100': false },
   { species: false,
     match: true,
     replace: true,
     search: true,
     split: true },
  objectStringTag: '[object RegExp]',
   { unicode: true,
     script: true,
     blocks: false,
      { C: true,
        Other: true,
        Cc: true,
        Control: true,
        Cs: true,
        Surrogate: true,
        L: true,
        Letter: true,
        LC: true,
        Cased_Letter: true,
        Ll: true,
        Lowercase_Letter: true,
        Lo: true,
        Other_Letter: true,
        Lu: true,
        Uppercase_Letter: true,
        M: true,
        Mark: true,
        Me: true,
        Enclosing_Mark: true,
        Mn: true,
        Nonspacing_Mark: true,
        N: true,
        Number: true,
        Nd: true,
        Decimal_Number: true,
        Nl: true,
        Letter_Number: true,
        No: true,
        Other_Number: true,
        P: true,
        Punctuation: true,
        Pc: true,
        Connector_Punctuation: true,
        Pd: true,
        Dash_Punctuation: true,
        Pe: true,
        Close_Punctuation: true,
        Pf: true,
        Final_Punctuation: true,
        Pi: true,
        Initial_Punctuation: true,
        Po: true,
        Other_Punctuation: true,
        Ps: true,
        Open_Punctuation: true,
        S: true,
        Symbol: true,
        Sc: true,
        Currency_Symbol: true,
        Sk: true,
        Modifier_Symbol: true,
        Sm: true,
        Math_Symbol: true,
        So: true,
        Other_Symbol: true,
        Z: true,
        Separator: true,
        Zl: true,
        Line_Separator: true,
        Zp: true,
        Paragraph_Separator: true,
        Zs: true,
        Space_Separator: true,
        ASCII: true,
        Alphabetic: true,
        Any: true,
        White_Space: true,
        Alpha: true,
        Emoji: true,
        Emoji_Component: true,
        Emoji_Modifier: true,
        Emoji_Presentation: true,
        Ideographic: true,
        Ideo: true,
        Lower: true,
        Quotation_Mark: true,
        QMark: true,
        Unified_Ideograph: true,
        Upper: true,
        Combining_Mark: true,
        punct: true,
        Digit: false,
        Alnum: false,
        Punct: false,
        Graph: false,
        Blank: false,
        Cntrl: false,
        XDigit: false,
        Space: false,
        Decimal_Digit_Number: false },
      { Arabic: true,
        Bengali: true,
        Common: true,
        Coptic: true,
        Cyrillic: true,
        Ethiopic: true,
        Georgian: true,
        Greek: true,
        Han: true,
        Hangul: true,
        Hiragana: true,
        Katakana: true,
        Latin: true,
        Tamil: true,
        Tibetan: true,
        Arab: true,
        Beng: true,
        Copt: true,
        Cyrl: true,
        Ethi: true,
        Geor: true,
        Grek: true,
        Hani: true,
        Hira: true,
        Kana: true,
        Latn: true,
        Taml: true,
        Tibt: true },
     blocksTest: { InBasic_Latin: false } } }

node.js 9

by test on RunKit

{ flags: 
   { multiline: true,
     m: true,
     global: true,
     g: true,
     ignoreCase: true,
     i: true,
     sticky: true,
     y: true,
     unicode: true,
     u: true,
     dotAll: true,
     s: true,
     freeSpacing: false,
     x: false,
     n: false },
  flagsAll: { g: true, i: true, m: true, s: true, u: true, y: true },
   { namedCapturingGroups: false,
     namedCapturingGroupsUnicode: false,
     namedCapturingGroupsEmoji: false } }

node.js 8

by test on RunKit

{ flags: 
   { multiline: true,
     m: true,
     global: true,
     g: true,
     ignoreCase: true,
     i: true,
     sticky: true,
     y: true,
     unicode: true,
     u: true,
     dotAll: true,
     s: true,
     freeSpacing: false,
     x: false,
     n: false },
  flagsAll: { g: true, i: true, m: true, s: true, u: true, y: true },
   { namedCapturingGroups: false,
     namedCapturingGroupsUnicode: false,
     namedCapturingGroupsEmoji: false } }
