
Websocket Client for Angular which works best with the Regoch Websocket Server.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import regochWebsocketAngular from '';



Websocket Client for Angular framework which works best with the Regoch Websocket Server.

Very small but very powerful library made according to RFC6455 Standard for websocket version 13.


npm install --save regoch-websocket-angular


Websocket Server Features

  • websocket version: 13
  • subprotocol: jsonRWS
  • chat in the rooms
  • small file size
  • integrate Angular Service
  • powerful API
  • possible RxJS integration
  • Router
  • helper


npm run dev

How to use

  1. Inject service RegochWebsocketAngularService in the module
//// app.module.ts /////
import { RegochWebsocketAngularService } from 'regoch-websocket-angular';

... providers: [RegochWebsocketAngularService] ...
  1. Init services RegochWebsocketAngularService, Router and Helper
//// app.component.ts /////
import { RegochWebsocketAngularService } from 'regoch-websocket-angular';

    public rwa: RegochWebsocketAngularService
  ) {
    const wcOpts = {
      wsURL: 'ws://localhost:3211?authkey=TRTmrt',
      timeout: 3 * 1000, // wait 3secs for answer
      reconnectAttempts: 5, // try to reconnect 5 times
      reconnectDelay: 3000, // delay between reconnections is 3 seconds
      subprotocols: ['jsonRWS'],
      debug: true

    // init router and helper
    this.router = new Router({debug: false});
    this.helper = new Helper();

async connectMe(): Promise<void> {
    const wsocket = await this.rwa.connect();
    console.log('+++Connected', wsocket);
<!--app.component.ts -->
<button (click)="connectMe()">Connect</button>
<button (click)="rwa.disconnect()">Disconnect</button>


  • connect() - connect to the websocket server

  • disconnect() - disconnect from the websocket server

  • infoSocketId() - receive the client's socket id

  • infoSocketList() - receive the list of sockets connected on the server

  • infoRoomList() - receive the list of all rooms

  • infoRoomListmy() - receive the list of subscribed rooms

  • sendOne(to:number, msg:any) - send message to one websocket socket/client (parameter to is the socket ID)

  • send(to:number[], msg:any) - send message to one or more clients

  • broadcast(msg:any) - send message to all clients except the sender

  • sendAll(msg:any) - send message to all clients and the sender

  • roomEnter(roomName:string) - enter the room and start to listen the room's messages

  • roomExit(roomName:string) - exit from the room and stop to listen the room's messages

  • roomExitAll() - exit from the all rooms

  • roomSend(roomName:string, msg:any) - exit from the room and stop to listen the room's messages

  • setNick(nickname:string) - set the client's nickname

  • route(uri:string, body?:any) - send route to the server, for example: {uri: '/login', body: {username: 'john', password: 'trtmrt'}}

  • on(eventName:string, listener:Function) - listen events: 'connected', 'message', 'route'

  • once(eventName:string, listener:Function) - listen events: 'connected', 'message', 'route' only once

subprotocol "jsonRWS"

Subprotocol description: The subprotocol is created for communication between websocket server and client.

Subprotocol definitons: a) Client have to send message in valid JSON format. Fields: {id:number, from:number, tonumber|string|number[], cmd:string, payload?:any} b) Server have to send message in valid JSON format. Fields: {id:number, from:number, tonumber|string|number[], cmd:string, payload?:any} c) The incoming message is converted from string to object. d) The outgoing message is converted from object to string.


“Freely you received, freely you give”, Matthew 10:5-8

Copyright (c) 2020 Saša Mikodanić licensed under AGPL-3.0 .