
A tool for watching the npm registry

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import regwatch from '';


regwatch(1) -- a tool for watching npm registry updates


This program will watch the changes feed from the npm registry, formatting it in whatever format you like and printing that to stdout.


$ npm i -g regwatch


$ regwatch [options]


  • -0, --from-zero: Get changes starting at sequence 0. This overrides --back.
  • -h, --help: Show help.
  • --new: Only output for brand-new modules.
  • --back=<num>: How far back in the feed to start (default 10).
  • --format=<format> How to display each change (default: "name"). See FORMAT below.
  • --growl: Receive a growl notification for each change. See GROWL below.
  • -c, --cmd: A shell command to run for each change, See SHELL COMMAND below.
  • -e, --eval: JavaScript to evaluate for each change. See EVAL below.
  • -E, --eval-implicit-return: Like eval, but with an implicit return before your code. See EVAL below.


To enable growl notifications with the --growl options, make sure an appropriate Growl helper is installed for your platform.


By default, the output format is name, which will only output the name of the module.

The only other option for format, currently, is npmurl, which will output the url to the package on the npm website. To activate this format:

$ regwatch --format npmurl


When invoked with --eval <script> or -e <script>, regwatch will execute the Javascript code in <script> on each change object. Change objects have the form:

    id: 'name-of-module',
    rev: {
        num: 12 // an integer showing # of times module has been published
        hash: 'abc123...' // a hash of the change

Your code must explicitly return a value, which will be outputted. The this variable refers to the change object.

For example:

$ regwatch -e 'return + (this.rev.num == 1 ? " NEW" : "")'

Would output something like:

new-module NEW
some-other-new-module NEW

If your code is a one-liner, you can also have an implicit return in front of your code. To do this, use -E or --eval-implicit-return. For example, the following would produce the same output as above:

$ regwatch -E ' + (this.rev.num == 1 ? " NEW" : "")'


You can execute a shell command for each change that is processed. An environment variable $CHANGE_ID is provided, which is the name of the module. The $CHANGE_REV variable has the full rev number from the change.


$ regwatch --cmd 'echo hello \$CHANGE_ID \$CHANGE_REV'

Would output something like:

hello some-module 12-abc123...
hello fun-module 4-beef741...


MIT License. See LICENSE.txt