
Automated versioning and publishing of projects using npm workspaces

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import releaseWorkspaces from '';



Automated versioning and publishing of workspaces; similar to release-it, but for workspace monorepos. Use it in the command line or via async function. The tool intuitively works with existing npm verison/publish lifecycle hooks.

Version License CI status


There's many awesome tools to automate publishing npm packages. The problem is that they're either deprecated/retired, suited specifically for singular packages and therefore become brittle in a monorepo context, or bring along additional tooling that is unnecessary for owners looking to simply automate the versioning + publishing process.


While the tool runs with sensible defaults, you can create a configuration of your own with the following options/overrides.

You can define a configuration in a few weeks. Add a .release-workspaces.json file or a release-workspaces field in your package.json


  "increment": {
    // Ensures packages within the monorepo have the correct version before publishing
    "codependencies": true,
    // Range prefix for codependencies
    "rangePrefix": "^"
  "hooks": {
    // Runs before packages are versioned and published
    "preincrement": "",
    // Runs after packages are versioned and published
    "postincrement": "",
    // Runs before the release commit is created
    "precommit": "",
    // Runs after the release commit is created
    "postcommit": ""
  "npm": {
    "increment": true
  "git": {
    // The commit message for the release commit
    "commitMessage": "Release ${version}",
    // The tag message for the release commit
    "tagMessage": "Release ${version}",
    // If false, file changes created during the release are not commited
    "commit": true,
    // If false, will not tag your commit with the new version.
    // NOTE: If `commit` above is `false`, then this option won't do anything
    //       because a new commit was never generated to be tagged
    "tag": true

If you need to run a package-specific npm lifecycle script such as preversion or prepublishOnly, defining them in the package's package.json is all you need to do.


The only required option for the tool is target, which should be any valid semver increment.

Simple example:

$ release-workspaces --target minor

Complex example:

$ release-workspaces --config path/to/my-config.json --target preminor --preid rc --npm-tag next


Name Alias Required Description
--config c N Define a custom file path and/or name.
--target t Y The target semver increment. E.g. minor, prepatch, etc.
--preid p N If given, will set the version as a prerelease. E.g. alpha, rc, etc.
--npm-tag n N If given, sets the npm tag. Otherwise uses the preid. E.g. next.
--dry-run d N If given, prints commands the tool would run given a user's current configuration, and packages that would be updated, but doesn't run them.
--verbose N Like dry-run, but actually runs all commands

Functional Utility

You can also use release as an async function. Useful if you are tying in the tool to existing scripts for your project.

release takes two arguments: options and config, both being optional if you're comfortable with the default options and/or have a config defined in your project directory, respectively.

All entries in options correlate one-to-one with CLI options.


import { release } from "release-workspaces

const options = {
  target: "preminor",
  preid: "alpha",
  dryRun: true,
  verbose: true,

const config = {
  git: {
    commit: false,
  hooks: {
    "preincrement": "npm test",
  increment: {
    rangePrefix: "~",

/* do some other stuff */

await release(options, config)

/* do some more stuff */


  • Automate GitHub/GitLab releases