
Control vim remote servers from node.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import remoteVim from '';


Control vim servers (or instances) programmatically. You can think this module as the Node.js equivalent of vimrunner.


npm install remote-vim


Import ls and create functions.

var ls     = require('remote-vim').ls;
var create = require('remote-vim').create;

ls: List the running vim servers.

ls(function (err, vims) {
  if (err) { throw err; }
  vims.forEach(function (vim) {
    console.log('vim instance named "' + + '" running at "' + vim.cwd + '"');

create: Create a new vim server.

create('myvim', function (err, vim) {
  if (err) { throw err; }
  // Gets first command from history
  vim.expr('histget("cmd", 1)', function (err, historyItem) {
    console.log('First command was: ' + historyItem); 

vim instances have the following methods:

  • open(path,[line,]cb): Open path at line. cb: func (err) { }.
  • expr(path, cb): Evaluate expression. cb: func (err, result) { }.
  • sendKeys(keys, cb): Send keys to vim instance. cb: func (err) { }.
  • exit([force,]cb): Close instance using :qa<CR>. with force: true uses :qa!<CR>.