
Load a directory of grunt configurations. Very similar to load-grunt-tasks but for configuration.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import requireGruntConfigs from '';



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Load a directory of grunt configurations. I wrote this because even a trivial grunt configuration can look a bit unwieldy as one huge file. Check out the before and after examples to understand the benefit.

Wait, What?

Keep your main Gruntfile clean by extracting configuration into individual files. The name of the file is the same as the task name. For example, the grunt jshint configuration would go into grunt/jshint.js while the grunt concat configuration would go into grunt/concat.js.

Check out these examples for a more in-depth look at how this works.


% npm install require-grunt-configs --save-dev


By default, require-grunt-configs loads files from the grunt directory; however, you may prefer a more organized directory structure (as do I) such as the one below:

└── conf
    ├── concat.js
    └── jshint.js
    └── notify.js
    └── pkg.js
    └── sass.js
    └── uglify.js
    └── watch.js

In order to load the above configuration files, in your Gruntfile add:

require('require-grunt-configs')(grunt, 'grunt/conf')

Explore the directory grunt/conf to view the contents of the example configuration files listed above.




  • load-grunt-config: does a lot more than configuration.
  • grunt-configure: I wasn't comfortable with the LOC and dependency list given the task.
  • how @cowboy modularizes Gruntfiles: uses tasks for external config -- I will be exploring this approach for future projects.
