
Parse resolv.conf files

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import resolvConf from '';


Parse resolv.conf

This repo uses the Linux documentation for resolv.conf(5) to parse the configuration for DNS resolution on your system. Windows uses a different approach, so the best you can do is likely the Node built-in dns.getServers().

Note that the defaults and environment variables listed in the docs were also implemented.


npm install resolv-conf


const resolv = require('resolv-conf')
await resolv.parseFile()  // filename is optional

// returns:
// {
//   nameserver: [ '', '::1' ],
//   options: { ndots: 1 },
//   searchlist: [...],
//   sortlist: [ { addr: ..., mask: ...}, ...]
//   errors: [ {text: "...", location:...} ]
// }

// if you already have text from the file:


Unrecoverable parse errors will throw an exception with location, expected, found, and message properties.

Recoverable errors (e.g. invalid IP addresses) will show up in the result object in the errors property, and valid defaults will be chosen for that option if need be.

Other libraries

I looked at resolv, but didn't feel like it was close enough to what I needed, it didn't have tests, etc. Since the project hadn't been touched in several years, I figured it was easier to start over. (Sorry, @fmahnke; let me know if that was a bad assumption and I'm happy to collaborate.)


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