
Super-powers for popup menus with React.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import retilPopupTrigger from '';



A utility for triggering and closing popups.

Works great for tooltips, popup menus, dropdown selects, etc.

Available in two flavors:

How it works

Say you have a trigger element, and a popup.


You only want the popup to appear if the trigger is focused or selected -- or when the popup itself has focus.

This utility handles this for you by adding events to the trigger and popup nodes, and exposing an active variable which you can use to switch the popup's visibility:

<button ref={trigger.ref}>Trigger</button>
{ &&
  <div ref={trigger.popupRef}>

React Hook

The simplest way to use this tool is with a React hook.

import { usePopupTrigger } from 'retil-popup-trigger'

function MyComponent() {
  let trigger = usePopupTrigger({
    triggerOnFocus: true,
    triggerOnHover: true,
    triggerOnSelect: true, // Pop on touch/click the trigger, or
                           // on enter/space while focused.

  return (
      <button ref={trigger.ref}>Trigger!</button>
      { &&
        <div ref={trigger.popupRef}>
          <a href=""></a>

Combine with react-popper and portals for all your popup needs!

Vanilla JS

Internally, everything is contained within a vanilla JavaScript class.

import { PopupTrigger } from 'popup-trigger'

let trigger = new PopupTrigger({
  triggerOnFocus: true,
  triggerOnHover: true,
  triggerOnSelect: true, // Pop on touch/click the trigger, or
                          // on enter/space while focused.

trigger.setTriggerNode(/* ... */)
trigger.setPopupNode(/* ... */)

trigger.getState() // { active, focused, hovering, selected }
trigger.subscribe(({ active, focused, hovering, selected ) => {})
trigger.dispose() // Clean up afterwards

trigger.close() // Close the popup imperatively