
Browserify plugin to (attempt) to support the java Rhino / Nashorn engines

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import rhinoify from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/rhinoify';



This project is no longer maintained

Browserify transform to (attempt) to support the java Rhino / Nashorn engines

This doesn't guarantee compatibility with Rhino, but might give you a better chance!

What it does

  • It replaces any future reserved keywords (as described in Ecma-262, section 7.5.3) with string literals
  • It replaces the 'global' identifier with a function that returns Rhino's global object

Note: The work done by this transform may be undone by uglifiers. Try to make it the last transform in the list.

Executing directly

You don't have to use browserify if you don't want to, just use

var rhinoify = require( 'rhinoify' );
var mycode = "var g = 3;";
rhinoify.exec( mycode, function( err, transformedCode ) {
    // transformedCode now contains your new code
} );

Using with browserify

browserify main.js -t rhinoify -o bundle.js


browserify main.js -t rhinoify --standalone test -o bundle.js