
Framework to create `Dimelo SDK source` for RingCentral Engage Digital

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import ringcentralEngageSource from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/ringcentral-engage-source';


Engage Digital JavaScript Source SDK

Build Status

Framework to create Dimelo SDK source for RingCentral Engage Digital. Wiki about RingCentral Engage Digital Dimelo SDK source


  • Nodejs 8.10+/npm, recommend using nvm to install nodejs/npm.
  • RingCentral Engage(Dimelo) account, request a demo.

Quick start

Let's start a simple RingCentral Engage source server .

# get the code
git clone git@github.com:ringcentral/engage-digital-source-sdk-js.git
cd engage-digital-source-sdk-js

# install dependecies
npm i

# start proxy server, this will make your local bot server can be accessed by RingCentral service
npm run ngrok

# will show
Forwarding                    https://xxxx.ap.ngrok.io -> localhost:6066
# Remember the https://xxxx.ap.ngrok.io, we will use it later

Follow Step by step guide to create Dimelo SDK source in Admin console to prepare the source.

# create env file
cp .env.sample .env
# then edit .env, set proper setting according to the tip in .env

# run local dev server
npm start

Test source server

Save your source, your server will get request, you check the request log from console.

Use it as CLI tool

npx ringcentral-engage-source path-to-your-source-server-config.js

Use is as a module


Post message to channel

You can get channel realtime url and api token from channel setting page

import { postMessage } from 'ringcentral-engage-source'

const secret = CHENNEL_API_TOKEN

function createMsg () {
  const msg = {
    action: 'messages.create',
    params: {
      actions: ['show', 'reply'],
      id: '222',
      body: 'hi there~',
      thread_id: '34232',
      author: {
        id: 'uuuu',
        firstname: 'John',
        lastname: 'Doe',
        screenname: 'John Doe',
        created_at: new Date()
  const result = await postMessage(msg, endpoint, secret)

Real example

Write a config


Build and Deploy to AWS Lambda


Init a source server project with factory CLI tool

We have built-in CLI command to init a empty project from template: https://github.com/ringcentral/engage-digital-source-server-template-js.

npm i -g ringcentral-engage-source
ringcentral-engage-source-create my-app
