
A rollup plugin to make assets external but include them in the output.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import rollupPluginExternalAssets from '';


npm npm build codecov MIT license


A rollup plugin to make assets external but include them in the output.


Via npm

npm install --save-dev rollup-plugin-external-assets

Via yarn

yarn add -D rollup-plugin-external-assets


import nodeResolve from "@rollup/plugin-node-resolve";
import externalAssets from "rollup-plugin-external-assets";

export default {
    input: "src/index.js",
    output: {
        file: "dist/index.js",
        format: "es",
        sourcemap: true,
    plugins: [


function externalAssets(
    include?: string | RegExp | (string | RegExp)[],
    exclude?: string | RegExp | (string | RegExp)[],
    options?: { resolve?: string | false | null },

include / exclude

string | RegExp | (string | RegExp)[]

A valid picomatch pattern, or array of patterns. If include is omitted or has zero length, all imports will be considered as assets. Otherwise, an import path must match one or more of the include patterns, and must not match any of the exclude patterns.

Note: patterns that include windows paths are normalized to be valid picomatch patterns.

import path from "path";

// Operate on images located in the ./assets directory.

// Operate on images located in the ./assets directory.
// and all stylesheet files.
externalAssets(["assets/**/*.{jpg,png}", /\.(css|scss)$/]);

// Operate on all assets except text files.
externalAssets("assets/**/*", "**/*.txt");

// Operate on all assets except text files.
// `__dirname` is the pattern's base dir instead of `process.cwd()`.
externalAssets(path.resolve(__dirname, "assets/**/*"), "**/*.txt");


  • resolve {string | false | null}: Optionally resolves the patterns against a directory other than process.cwd(). If a string is specified, then the value will be used as the base directory. Relative paths will be resolved against process.cwd() first. If false, then the patterns will not be resolved against any directory.



Getting Started

After cloning this repo, ensure dependencies are installed by running:

npm install

Then to build the final bundle:

npm run build


To run tests:

npm test

Note that rollup may emit warnings for unspecified options, or for some other reasons. I made sure they are ignored with the ROLLUP_WARNINGS environment variable in the npm test script.

If you want to see all the warnings when running tests, use this command instead:

npm run test:warn

Coverage report is located in tests/coverage. You might want to review it in your browser, and for example, write tests for non-covered blocks, or remove them if they're useless.

To run tests and update snapshots, pass the -u flag to jest through the test (or test:warn) npm script:

npm test -- -u

Commiting changes

Please follow the conventional commits specification, because semantic-release is used to automate the whole package release workflow including: determining the next version number, generating the release notes and publishing the package.
