
Redirection for root

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import rootRedirects from '';



root.redirects is a plugin for root, which provides easier redirection handling. It adds two methods request.stale and response.redirect. It can be installed using npm.

npm install root.redirects


response.redirect sends back a redirect status code to the client, which by default is 302 (Found). It resolves any relative path to an absolute URL. To send an other status code, use the extra options parameter that the method takes.

var root = require('root');

var app = root();


app.get('/', function(request, response) {
app.get('/hello', function(request, response) {
    // Override the default status code to 'seeOther' (303).
    // The status option can also be a number.
    response.redirect('/world', { status: 'seeOther' });
app.get('/world', function(request, response) {

request.stale is used to send 304 (Not Modified) status codes. It expects an options object as first argument specifying either etag, lastModified or both and a callback function as a last argument, which will be called if the client resource has become stale. If that is not case a 304 response is sent back with an empty body. In both situations the ETag and/or the Last-Modified header is set appropriately.

var serverStarted = new Date();

app.get('/resource', function(request, response) {
    // The resource will expire each time we restart the server
    request.stale({ etag: serverStarted }, function() {
        // The resource held by the client is no longer valid

app.get('/resource_other', function(request, response) {
    resquest.stale({ lastModified: serverStarted }, function {
        // The resource not valid, do something
        response.send((new Date()).toString());

The value given to etag is converted to a string and hashed using sha1.