
authorization library

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import rsCan from '';



rs-can is an authentication library. It allows to build access control list. And then test access control.

How to use

import AccessControl from "rs-can";

// set up access control list

const accessControl = new AccessControl();
// allow user can manage its own post
accessControl.allow(User, "manage", Post, (user: User, post: Post) => === post.userId);
// condition with extra params,
// allow user to apply for the ad if  
accessControl.allow(User, "apply", Ad,
  (user: User, ad: Ad, application: AdApplication) => {
    const isClient = user.role === ROLES.CLIENT;
    const notOwner = !== ad.userId;
    const notApplied = !application;
    const adActive =;

    return isClient && notOwner && notApplied && adActive;
accessControl.allow(UnauthenticatedUser, "viewAd");

// check access 

const currentUser = new User({id: 123});
const post = new Post({user_id: 123});
accessControl.can(currentUser, "manage", post); // true

const ad = new Ad({active: true, user_id: 123});
const application = undefined;
const client = new User({id: 124, role: ROLES.CLIENT});
accessControl.can(currentUser, "apply", ad, application); // true  


ActionControl has

  • allow
  • can

access.allow Set up access control. Everything which is not allowed is denied. allow method allows a perform to perform action on a target.

    performer: Type<any>,
    action: string,
    target?: Type<any>,
    condition?: CheckCondition
): void;

export interface Type<T> extends Function {
    new (...args: any[]): T;

export type CheckCondition = (
    performer: any,
    target: any,
    options?: any
) => boolean;
  • performer - required, class name(User, Admin, etc). If you want to test access for a guest user that couldn't be initiated with User object - add new dummy class GuestUser and pass it as a performer argument.
  • action - required, string action name(update, manage, create)
  • target - optional, target class name. Can user update {target}? (Post, Settings, etc)
  • condition? - optional condition function. If it's provided condition will be invoked with performer object, target object and optional options.

access.can Checks the control

    performer: any,
    action: string,
    target?: any,
    options?: any
) => boolean;
  • performer - required. The performer object - new User, new Admin. Usually it's currently logged in user.
  • action - required, action name(update, manage, create)
  • target - optional. Object of the taget class - new Post, new Settings. Can be omitted when accessContol.allow(User, "createPosts")
  • options - optional options. For example, you want to check if user can apply for the ad and you can pass extra object adApplication as additional data.