
Reactive state and effects management. Tooling for React.js

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<script type="module">
  import rxEffectsReact from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/rx-effects-react';


RxEffects: rx-effects-react


Reactive state and effect management with RxJS. Tooling for React.js.

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npm install rx-effects rx-effects-react --save


The package provides utility hooks to bind the core RxEffects to React components and hooks:

  • useConst – keeps the value as a constant between renders.
  • useController – creates an ad-hoc controller by the factory and destroys it on unmounting.
  • useObservable – returns a value provided by source$ observable.
  • useObserver – subscribes the provided observer or next handler on source$ observable.
  • useSelector – returns a value provided by source$ observable.
  • useStateQuery – returns a value which is provided by the query.


// pizzaShopComponent.tsx

import React, { FC, useEffect } from 'react';
import { useConst, useObservable, useStateQuery } from 'rx-effects-react';
import { createPizzaShopController } from './pizzaShop';

export const PizzaShopComponent: FC = () => {
  // Creates the controller and destroy it on unmounting the component
  const controller = useConst(() => createPizzaShopController());
  useEffect(() => controller.destroy, [controller]);

  // The same creation can be achieved by using `useController()` helper:
  // const controller = useController(createPizzaShopController);

  // Using the controller
  const { ordersQuery, addPizza, removePizza, submitCart, submitState } =

  // Subscribing to state data and the effect stata
  const orders = useStateQuery(ordersQuery);
  const isPending = useStateQuery(submitState.pending);
  const submitError = useObservable(submitState.error$, undefined);

  // Actual rendering should be here.
  return null;

© 2021 Mikhail Nasyrov, MIT license