
Google Adsense plugin for Saber

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import saberPluginGoogleAdsense from '';



Google Adsense plugin for Saber.


yarn add saber-plugin-google-adsense

Configuration options

In your saber-config.yml:

  - resolve: saber-plugin-google-adsense
      adClientId: 'your-adsense-client-id'
Option type description
adsenseScriptUrl String The url of Google Adsense script. Default is
adClientId String Your Google Adsense client ID (i.e. ca-pub-#########). Required when not in test mode.
pageLevelAds Boolean Enable Adsense Page Level Ads. Default is false. Refer to the AdSense docs for details.
fullWidthResponsive Boolean When true, data-full-width-responsive="true" attribute will be added to ads' tag. Default is false. Refer to the AdSense docs for details.
test Boolean Force AdSense into test mode (see below).

Test mode

The plugin will automatically switch to test mode when runniung Saber in DEV mode. But you can keep test mode on in production by setting the configuration option test to true.

Test mode uses a test client ID - ca-google, so that you will not be violating Google AdSense TOS.

Note that test advertiements will typically appear as an empty space, but will have the correct dimensions (i.e. will occupy the correct space needed by the rendered ad).


Insert the <adsbygoogle /> component wherever you would like an advertisment placed.

The ad defaults to auto size format (configurable by setting the prop ad-format). This mode is responsive by nature. You should place the <adsbygoogle /> component inside a container element that has a specified (min/max) width and (min/max) height (which can be based on media queries), or use style or classes on the <adsbygoogle /> component to restrict the advertisement to a specific size (or sizes).

Use the ad-slot property to specify your google adsense ad slot value (specified as a string)


<div class="ad-wrapper">
  <adsbygoogle ad-layout="in-article" ad-format="fluid" ad-slot="1234567890"/>

Component props:

prop type description
ad-slot String Google Adsense adslot. This prop is required when not in test mode. Refer to your AdSense account for ad-slot values.
ad-format String Defaults to 'auto'. Refer to the adsense docs for other options
ad-style Object Styles to apply to the rendered <ins> element. Default: { display: 'block' }. Refer to VueJS style binding docs for the Object format.
ad-layout String Optional. Refer to the adsense docs
ad-layout-key String Optional. Refer to the adsense docs

Automatic updating of Ads

Whenever your route changes, any disaplayed ads will update, just as they would on normal page loads.


Thanks to nuxt-community/google-adsense-module for the inspiration and documentation, this plugin is heavily based on it.


MIT © Chawye Hsu

Website · GitHub @chawyehsu · Twitter @chawyehsu