
Stop getting EMFILE errors! Open only as many files as the operating system supports.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import safefs from '';


Safe FS

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Stop getting EMFILE errors! Open only as many files as the operating system supports.


var safefs = require('safefs')

SafeFS uses graceful-fs to wrap all of the standard file system methods to avoid EMFILE errors among other problems.

On-top of graceful-fs, SafeFS also adds additional wrapping on the following methods:

  • writeFile(path, data, options?, next) - ensure the full path exists before writing to it
  • appendFile(path, data, options?, next) - ensure the full path exists before writing to it
  • mkdir(path, mode?, next) - mode defaults to 0o777 & (~process.umask())
  • unlink(path, next) - checks if the file exists before removing it

SafeFS also define these additional methods:

  • ensurePath(path, options, next) - ensure the full path exists, equivalent to unix's mdir -p path
  • getParentPathSync(path) - returns the parent directory of the path



  • Install: npm install --save safefs
  • Import: import * as pkg from ('safefs')
  • Require: const pkg = require('safefs')


This package is published with the following editions:

  • safefs aliases safefs/source/index.js
  • safefs/source/index.js is ESNext source code for Node.js 10 || 12 || 14 || 16 with Require for modules


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