
The CLI for

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import samlTo from '';

README Command Line Interface

GitHub release (latest by date) GitHub issues GitHub Workflow Status


This is the CLI for It allows for command-line based login and role assumption, as well as initial setup and adminstration.

npx saml-to [command]

  saml-to list-logins              Show providers that are available to login
  saml-to list-roles               Show roles that are available to assume
  saml-to login [provider]         Login to a provider
  saml-to assume [role]            Assume a role
  saml-to init                     (Administrative) Initialize with a GitHub Repository
  saml-to add [type] [name]        (Administrative) Add providers or permissions to the configuration
  saml-to set [name] [subcommand]  (Administrative) Set a provider setting (e.g. provisioning
  saml-to show [subcommand]        (Administrative) Show various configurations (metadata, certificate, entityId, config, etc.)

  --version  Show version number  [boolean]
  --help     Show help  [boolean]


  • NodeJS v14+ Installed Locally
  • npx avaliable on the $PATH

Getting Started

The CLI can be run with the npx command:

npx saml-to [--help]

Add the --help flag to any command for available options.

Installing Globally

The CLI can be installed globally as well:

npm install -g saml-to
saml-to --help

Login and Assume Roles

These commands will interactively prompt for Logins or Roles to assume:

npx saml-to login


npx saml-to assume

Also, check out the documentation for login and assume.

If no logins or roles are available, complete the initial setup.

Initial Setup

Run the following command for interactive prompts configure a repository for

npx saml-to init

More information can be found on the website and docs.

Reporting Issues

Please Open a New Issue in GitHub if an issue is found with this tool.


Usage Metrics Opt-Out

If you do not want to be included in Anonymous Usage Metrics, ensure an environment variable named SAML_TO_DNT is set:

SAML_TO_DNT=1 npx saml-to


Apache-2.0 License