
Module to enhance data retrieval for Sequelize

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import saphyreData from '';


Saphyre - Data

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This module is used to handle big databases without the need to create complex queries. The queries are dynamically generated by this module just by chosing the modifiers to get the result.

Supported Dialects

Currently SaphyreData is supporting only SQLite, MySQL and PostgreSQL.

Query Modifiers

There are some options you can use to change query. They are all named and can be used in a request. Also, there's no need to join tables, all associations are handled by Sequelize within each option.


Projections are used to indicate the fields to select from the database, this option is similar to SQL SELECT, but you can name every projection with all fields required.

It's also possible to create custom middlewares to customize the data.


Criterias are used to indicate the filter option from the database, this option is similar to SQL WHERE, but you can name every criteria with all fields required and it's required inputs.


Sorts are used to indicate the order option from the database, this option is similar to SQL ORDER BY bu you can name every sort with all fields required.



var SaphyreData = require('saphyre-data'),
    data = new SaphyreData(),
    model = data.createModel(Article); // Article is a Sequelize Model
// creating a projection to be used on list
model.projection('list', {
    'article_id' : 'id', // article_id as id
    'created_at' : 'created_at',
    'title' : 'title',

    // association ending with question mark means that will be LEFT JOINED
    // the association Author will be automatically joined (in this case, LEFT JOIN)
    'Author?.user_id' : '',
    // an object author will be created
    'Author?.nickname' : 'author.nickname',
    // nickname will be a property of the author object recently created
    'Author?.slug' : 'author.slug',
    // Association Category will be automatically joined
    '' : 'category' 
}).use(function (article) { = '/users/thumbnail/' +;
}).use(function (article) {

Its possible to use functions on a projection

'Tags.tag_id' : {
    alias : 'tags_count',
    func : SaphyreData.functions.count

If you want to create aditional queries (for each row), necessary in HasMany:

'Tags' : {
    list : 'tags', // the name of the result list in each row
    projection : {
        'tag_id' : 'id'
        'name' : 'name' // internally
    sort : { // optional
        'name' : 'ASC'

For HasMany and HasOne the QueryBuilder will LEFT JOIN the table, if you want to INNER JOIN the table:

'Tags.tag_id' : {
    alias : 'tags_count',
    func : SaphyreData.functions.count,
    joinType : 'inner' // case sensitive

Console output for each row

    "id" : 1,
    "created_at" : Tue Feb 17 2015 12:50:47 GMT-0300 (BRT),
    "title" : "Article title",
    "author" : {
        "id" : 1,
        "nickname" : "Author",
        "slug" : "author-slug",
        "thumbnail" : "/users/thumbnail/1"
    "category" : "Category Name"


model.criteria('author', {
    name : 'id', // this is the name of the parameter
    property : 'author_id', // the property to check
    operator : SaphyreData.OPERATOR.EQUAL // the operator

It's also possible to use an array of parameters

model.criteria('custom', [
    {/* param 1 */}, 
    {/* param 2 */}

It's also possible to use an array of parameters with OR operator

model.criteriaOR('custom', [
    {/* param 1 */},
    {/* param 2 */}

There's an option to pass a static value to criteria parameters:

model.criteria('non-removed', {
    name : 'status',
    property : 'status',
    operator : SaphyreData.OPERATOR.EQUAL,
    value : ArticleStatus.REMOVED

It's also possible to use dynamic values, passing a function will evoke everytime a query is constructed.

model.criteria('today', {
    name : 'date',
    property : 'publish_dt',
    operator : SaphyreData.OPERATOR.GREATER_EQUAL,
    value : function () {
        return new Date();


model.sort('recent', { 'publish_dt' : 'DESC' });

It's possible to sort on a RAW text, like alias.

model.sort('recent', {
    'publish_dt' : {
        raw : true,
        direction : 'DESC'

You can create multiple sorts

model.sorts({ publishDt : 'publish_dt', name : 'name' });

And internally it looks like

model.sort('publishDt', { publish_dt : 'ASC' }); model.sort('-publishDt', { publish_dt : 'DESC' }); model.sort('name', { name : 'ASC' }); model.sort('-name', { name : 'DESC' });

You can create sorts based on an existing projection


Data retrieval

    projection : 'list',
    criteria : {
        'non-removed' : true, // in this case, there's no value to pass
        'author' : 1 // it's possible to use 0..N criterias
    page : 1,
    pageSize : 20,
    sort : 'recent'
}).then(function (result) {
    // result.list -> the list
    // result.count -> the total elements

    projection : 'list',
    criteria : {
        'non-removed' : true, // in this case, there's no value to pass
        'author' : 1 // it's possible to use 0..N criterias
    sort : 'recent'
}).then(function (theFirstItem) {

    projection : 'list',
    criteria : {
        'non-removed' : true, // in this case, there's no value to pass
        'author' : 1 // it's possible to use 0..N criterias
    page : 1, // won`t be considered, no pagination will be done
    pageSize : 20, // won`t be considered, no pagination will be done
    sort : 'recent'
}).then(function (nonPaginatedList) {


    criteria : { // only criteria is considered on counts
        'non-removed' : true, // in this case, there's no value to pass
        'author' : 1 // it's possible to use 0..N criterias
}).then(function (aNumber) {


It's also possible to sort randomly

    projection : 'list',
    sort : SaphyreData.RANDOM
}).then(function (randomSortedList) {




When using BETWEEN, the value passed must be an array with length >= 2