
Flexible system to manipulate icons, SVG, PNG, sprites.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import sassyicons from '';



Flexible system to manipulate icons, SVG, PNG, sprites.

Works on top of compass sprite API.
It was designed to easily switch between SVG and PNG while working with icons as background-images.
So you have more granular control over which icons to use as SVG or PNG.
SVG first with PNG sprite fallback, or PNG first with hidpi sprite support.

Also managing several "thematic" sprites a breeze.

Best workflow used in conjunction with grunt-svg2png.

Online preview (test folder).
Online Documentation (generated with SassDoc).


sprite-map-create($name [, $spacing])
icon($map, $sprite [, $offset, $format])
icon-single($map, $sprite [, $format])
icon-generated($map, $sprite [, $pos, $centered, $format])


// Default settings.
$icons-defaults: (

  // Space around sprites in generated spritemap.
  // Useful with `$offset` parameter.
  // This setting is global for all spritemaps.
  // Can be set per spritemap with the `$spacing` parameter.
  spacing: 0,

  // Main icons directory. `sprite-map-create()`, base for sub dirs.
  dir: "icons",

  // Name of the png sub-folders.
  dir-png: "png",

  // Name of the hidpi png sub-folders.
  dir-hidpi: "png_2x",

  // Scale of the hidpi pngs.
  hidpi-scale: 2,

  // Minimum resolution ratio used in the hidpi media query.
  hidpi-ratio: 1.3,

  // Whether to embed icons as data URI in the `icon-single()` mixin.
  single-embed: true,

  // Default file format unless overridden by parameter, svg | png.
  format: "svg",

  // Whether to support legacy browsers, svg fallback.
  legacy: true


Override default values in a new $icons-settings map.


  • Sass ~> 3.3.0
  • Compass ~> 1.0.0.rc.1



git clone


npm install sassyicons --save


bower install SassyIcons --save

Compass extension

Since SassyIcons is dependant on Compass, this is the recommended installation and usage.

  1. Add gem 'SassyIcons', '~>0.1.0' to your Gemfile
  2. bundle install --path . (manage your gems in project dir, not globally)
  3. Add require 'SassyIcons' to your config.rb
  4. Import it in your stylesheets with @import 'SassyIcons'


Example usage with Compass

@import 'SassyIcons';
bundle exec compass watch


  • More documentation
  • icon-generated() and generated() Don't force absolute positioning.
  • Rewrite generated() mixin
  • icon-generated() configurable calc() fallback
  • Helper mixin to work with background-size
  • Support for SVG sprites ?
  • Support for SVG stacks ?
  • Try to further improve output CSS
  • More control over print position in the stylesheet ?
  • Abstract and move away from compass sprites ?
  • Move away from Modernizr classes ? Or make it an option.
  • Clarify or remove the @content thing to pass additional rules to .svg.


You need

How to

  1. Fork this repository
  2. Run npm install
  3. Make your changes + write tests
  4. grunt test
  5. Commit + Pull request


Pascal Duez


SassyIcons is available under the MIT license.