
Satt smart contract Javascript library

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import sattJs from '';



SaTT Javascript library allow you to manage ad campaigns with a local or remote Ethereum node using web3.js

Get started

const satt = require('satt-js');
const Web3 = require('web3');
const web3WsUrl = 'ws://';

var web3 = new Web3(web3WsUrl);
var sattMgr = new satt(web3);
sattMgr.createCampaign('test',new Date().getTime()+1000,new Date().getTime()+1000000)


Constructor : CampaignManager(web3)

  • web3 : web3.js instance, must be connected to a provider with eth_sendTransation,eth_sendRawTransaction,eth_getTransactionReceipt,eth_blockNumber,eth_call,eth_estimateGas,eth_gasPrice available RPC methods

createCampaign (dataUrl, startDate, endDate, txOptions) Creates a new campaign for an advertiser

  • dataUrl (string) : off blockchain campaign description url
  • startDate (int) : campaign start date (seconds unix timestamp)
  • endDate (int) : campaign end date (seconds unix timestamp)
  • txOptions (JSON) : transaction params

returns campaign object in a promise once transaction mined

createCampaignYt(dataUrl, startDate, endDate, likeRatio, viewRatio, amount, txOptions) youtube one-time helper to create campaign, fund it ans set its ratios

  • dataUrl (string) : off blockchain campaign description url
  • startDate (int) : campaign start date (seconds unix timestamp)
  • endDate (int) : campaign end date (seconds unix timestamp)
  • likeRatio (big) : base unit amount of a like in token
  • viewRatio (big) : base unit amount of a view in token
  • amount (big) : SaTT amount credited to the campaign
  • txOptions (JSON) : transaction params

returns campaign object in a promise once transaction mined

modCampaign(idCampaign,dataUrl,startDate,endDate,txOptions) modifies an existing campaign only if not started

  • idCampaign (bytes32) : campaign hash identifier
  • dataUrl (string) : off blockchain campaign description url
  • startDate (int) : campaign start date (seconds unix timestamp)
  • endDate (int) : campaign end date (seconds unix timestamp)
  • txOptions (JSON) : transaction params

returns campaign object in a promise once transaction mined

fundCampaign(idCampaign, amount, txOptions) funds campaign with SaTT token

  • idCampaign (bytes32) : campaign hash identifier
  • amount (big) : SaTT amount in base units
  • txOptions (JSON) : transaction params

priceRatioCampaign(idCampaign,typeSN,likeRatio, shareRatio,viewRatio,txOptions)

set ratios according to a social network

  • idCampaign (bytes32) : campaign hash identifier
  • typeSN (int): social network identifier (1:facebook,2:youtube,3:instagram,4:twitter)
  • likeRatio (big): base unit amount of a like in ERC20 token
  • shareRatio (big): base unit amount of a share in ERC20 token (facebook,Twitter only)
  • viewRatio (big): base unit amount of a view in ERC20 token (youtube only)
  • txOptions (JSON) : transaction params

applyCampaign(idCampaign, typeSN, idPost, idUser, txOptions) applies to a campaign for an editor

  • idCampaign (bytes32) : campaign hash identifier
  • typeSN (int): social network identifier (1:facebook,2:youtube,3:instagram,4:twitter)
  • idPost (string): post identifier
  • idUser (string): social network user identifier (empty for youtube)
  • txOptions (JSON) : transaction params

return an editor identifier (idProm) in a promise once transaction mined

validateProm(idProm, txOptions) validates editor application for an advertiser

  • idProm (bytes32) : editor identifier
  • txOptions (JSON) : transaction params

startCampaign(idCampaign, txOptions) starts camapign before start date

  • idCampaign (bytes32) : campaign hash identifier
  • txOptions (JSON) : transaction params

updateCampaignStats(idCampaign, txOptions) call oracle for validated campaign editors

  • idCampaign (bytes32) : campaign hash identifier
  • txOptions (JSON) : transaction params

endCampaign(idCampaign, txOptions) ends camapign before end date

  • idCampaign (bytes32) : campaign hash identifier
  • txOptions (JSON) : transaction params

getGains(idProm, txOptions) withdraw editor earnings to his wallet

  • idProm (bytes32) : editor identifier
  • txOptions (JSON) : transaction params

getRemainingFunds(idCampaign, txOptions) withdraw advertiser remaining funds to his wallet

  • idCampaign (bytes32) : campaign hash identifier
  • txOptions (JSON) : transaction params

on(type,filter,callback) subscribe on campaigns events types : "created","applied","spent" available filter : topics array callback : function fired with event object param

getCampaign(idCampaign) returns Campaign object identified by hash

  • idCampaign (bytes32) : campaign hash identifier

getProm(idProm) returns Prom object identified by hash

  • idProm (bytes32) : editor identifier

getResult(idResult) returns Result object identified by hash

  • idResult (bytes32) : result identifier

getBalance(address ) get address SaTT balance

getApproval(address ) get address SaTT approval for camapign smart contract

setApproval(txOptions ) set address SaTT approval for camapign smart contract with maximum amount

  • txOptions (JSON) : transaction params


getId() returns campaign id hash (bytes32 )

getRatios() returns campaign ratios (Ratio[])

getProms() returns array of associated proms (Proms[])

toJSON() display human readable campaign datas (Object)


getId() returns prom id hash (bytes32 )

getResults() returns array of associated results (Result[])

toJSON() display human readable prom datas (Object)


getId() returns result id hash (bytes32 )

toJSON() display human readable result datas (Object)

params types

big amounts in integer,string or BigNumber ex : 10, "10" or new BN("10")

bytes32 32 bytes hash in 64 hex digits prefixed by 0x ex : "0xe4b6280d14933d1be40dddd5af669285c25b8d2c563eca4cd331f6b66e865bd1"

Ratio JSON object

  • typeSN (int): social network identifier (1:facebook,2:youtube,3:instagram,4:twitter)
  • likeRatio (big): base unit amount of a like in ERC20 token
  • shareRatio (big): base unit amount of a share in ERC20 token (facebook,Twitter only)
  • viewRatio (big): base unit amount of a view in ERC20 token (youtube only)

txOptions JSON object of optionals transaction settings

  • from : sender address
  • gas : gas limit
  • gasPrice : gas price