
A tool to clean obsolete hash-coded files, which created by building tools, like webpack, gulp.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import sclean from '';



A tool to clean obsolete hash-coded files, which created by building tools, like webpack, gulp.

quick start

Install sclean:

npm install sclean -g

command line

sclean <command> [args]

archive: archive target directory to a zip file

sclean archive <directory>

restore: restore target directory to last nth archive state

sclean restore <directory> [--index index]
  • index/i: int, default 1, last nth state to restore

clean: clean obsolete hash-code files

sclean clean <directory> [--ext ext] [--hash hash]
  • ext/e: type: string extra html extensions(split by ,, like --ext jsp,php)
  • hash/H: type: int default: 32 hash length

philosophy of cleaning obsolete files

  1. find all hash codes from html files (hashes1)
  2. find all hash codes from js files whose file name matches hashes1 (hashes2, async js bundles)
  3. delete js and css files whose file name neither matches hashes1 nor hashes2


  • sclean only clean js and css files, not other static files