
Interactive terminal search

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import searchy from '';



searchy demo

Simple interactive search for Node, inspired by percol and fzf. It works as a standalone program you can put in bash pipes or as a menu for inside your own application.

Note: if you install node-migemo it will be used to make matching Japanese text easier.

Command line example

npm install -g searchy
echo -e "hsif\neip\nekac" | searchy | rev
# output will be a word spelled correctly!

Case matching uses "smartcase" like Vim; matches are not case-sensitive unless there is a capital letter in the query.

Node example

var search = require("searchy").search;

search("one two three four five six panda fish パンダ フライパン 日本語 日本橋".split(" "), function(choice){
  console.log("You picked " + choice + "! Congratulations!");

Useful techniques

Searchy your shell history for that command you can't quite remember by adding this to your .bashrc: (inspired by hstr)

function hh () {
  $(history | cut -c 8- | awk '!seen[$0]++' | searchy)
# add this line to replace the default history search:
bind -x 



WTFPL, do as you please. -POLM