
1. Deploy this repo to Netlify using [![Deploy to Netlify](](

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import secretsTest from '';


  1. Deploy this repo to Netlify using Deploy to Netlify

  2. Go to to enable the addon

  3. After enabling Authlify for a site, be sure to force a new deploy with clear cache and deploy site (this will be done automatically with an update on Sunday)

After it's deployed, you can hit three endpoints:

  1. "/.netlify/functions/secrets" - see all enabled auths + secrets (sanitized so they're not exposed)
  2. "/.netlify/functions/conditionalSecrets?skipSecrets=true" - an endpoint that can optionally retrieve secrets, useful to see the overhead of the current implementation
  3. "/.netlify/functions/addIssueComment?comment=Hello there!" - an endpoint that requires GitHub to be authenticated with sufficient scopes (default should be fine). Will leave a comment on

Be sure to destroy the app after you finish testing so there are no leaked secrets.