
Command-line file watcher

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import sentsCli from '';


Command-line filesystem watcher, useful for running commands when something changes. Has only three direct dependencies and uses no native code!

⚠️ This uses sents under the hood, which is a fast watcher with zero dependencies and no native code. Try it out if you'd like even fewer dependencies!


npm install sents-cli

# for info on command-line args
sents --help

# to print all CSS files that have changed
sents "foo/**/*.css"

# to print everything in a folder
sents "path/to/folder"

# to rebuild JS after any file changes, deduped to every second
sents "**/*.js" -c "rollup" -d 1000


  • This doesn't support polling, so don't use it on network filesystems, but you shouldn't really be doing interactive dev work from there anyway

  • You can't exclude files from this right now, so it might watch your whole node_modules folder


All of these dependencies have zero further dependencies. Therefore, using this package will add at most three dependencies to your project.

  • mri: for parsing arguments
  • picomatch: for supporting glob syntax
  • sents: the underlying watcher library