
Sequelize Migration Module

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import sequelizeMigration2 from '';


Sequelize Migration 2

Build Status

Module to Handle Migration with SQL scripts

Supported Dialects

Currently Sequelize Migration 2 is supporting only MySQL and PostgreSQL. Other databases may work, but it wasn't tested.


yarn add sequelize-migration-2

To use the module

// you must first create the sequelize instance
// sequelize == my sequelize instance

// import the sequelize migration and create a new instance with the sequelize instance
const SequelizeMigration = require('sequelize-migration-2');
const migration = new SequelizeMigration(sequelize);
// then add the module
    name: 'my-module-name',
    dir: 'path/to/my/scripts/directory'
// your script directory must have one folder for each configured dialect
// scripts/
//   └─ mysql/
//   └─ postgres/

// now all you have to do is
migration.sync().then(() => {
    console.log('hell yeah!');


  • The module name is very important because it may have conflict with other modules, ensure you have a unique module name identifier.
  • One table will be created into your database called db_migration
  • Your script directory must have one folder for each configured dialect. E.g
  └─ mysql/
  └─ postgres/


All you have to do is execute only two commands, thank you!

$ npm install
$ npm test

Upcoming Features

  • MD5 checksum