
service-locator helps keep your system decoupled by providing a central location where your application information can be found by other parts of you application.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import serviceLocator from '';


service-locator - A simple service locator for JavaScript

service-locator helps keep your system decoupled by providing a central registry where your application information can be found by other parts of you application.

Service Locator on wikipedia


 npm install service-locator


Register your functions, objects, string etc using register(). Once registered with the service locator there is no way to change it.

var serviceLocator = require('service-locator')()
  , foo = 'bar'

serviceLocator.register('foobar', foo)

console.log(serviceLocator.foobar) // bar

serviceLocator.register('logger', console)

serviceLocator.logger.log('Hello world') // Hello world


Paul Serby


Licenced under the New BSD License