
Provides a function to set a value on a proxy's target without going through the handler "set" function or a normal objects property setter (Is based on a bug, at least i think)

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import setjsproxy from '';



This function will allow you to set an object key with a value, without passing through any handler function such as a property setter or a proxy's handler "set" function


You can both import the function like this

const set = require("setjsproxy");

Or like this

const { set } = require("setjsproxy");

You can use it to set normal objects

const obj = { a: 1 };
set(obj, "b", 2);
console.log(obj);	// { a: 1, b: 2 }

Even on setter protected keys

const obj = { a: 1, set b(v) {}, set c(v) {} };
set(obj, "b", 2);
obj.c = 3;
console.log(obj);	// { a: 1, b: 2, c: [Setter] }

And most impportantly on proxies

const obj = new Proxy({ a: 1 }, {
    set: (t, k, v) => console.log(`[${ k }] = ${ v }`)

set(obj, "b", 2);
obj.c = 3;  		// [c] = 3
console.log(obj);	// Proxy { a: 1, b: 2 }

How does it work?

I discovered that if you create a class that returns the instance wrapped in a proxy, and then derive inherit from said class, the class defined field of the sub class will be applied on the instance without passing through the eventual proxy's handler "set" function

class A {
    constructor() {
        // (If falsy throws an error in strict mode, so in classes too)
        //                                  ↓
        return new Proxy(this, { set: () => true }); 

// (It doesn't set)
const o1 = new A();
o1.a = 1;   		// (Fails)
console.log(o1);	// Proxy {}

class B extends A {
    a = 1;  		// (This will be set directly)
    constructor() {
        this.b = 2; // (Fails)

// (It sets)
const o2 = new B();
o2.c = 3;   		// (Fails)
console.log(o2);	// Proxy { a: 1 }


If you don't want to download the package simply paste this line of code

set=(p,k,v)=>new class extends(function(){return p}){[k]=v};