
Sheetgo forking of React wrapper for google one tap authentication by Muhammad Salman Tariq

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import sheetgoReactGoogleOneTapSignIn from '';


React - Google One Tap Login

Sheetgo forking of React wrapper for google one tap authentication by Muhammad Salman Tariq


npm install react-google-one-tap-login


yarn add react-google-one-tap-login

How to use

As a Hook

import { useGoogleOneTapLogin } from 'react-google-one-tap-login';

    onError: error => console.log(error),
    onSuccess: response => console.log(response),
    googleAccountConfigs: {
      client_id: // Your google client id here !!!

As a Component

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import GoogleOneTapLogin from 'react-google-one-tap-login';

  <GoogleOneTapLogin onError={(error) => console.log(error} onSuccess={(response) => console.log(response} googleAccountConfigs={{ client_id: // Your google client id here !!! }} />,


Name Type Required Description
disabled boolean false Disable the login prompt
onError callback false onError : Error
onSuccess callback false onSuccess : GoogleEndpointResponse (See below)
googleAccountConfigs object true Google One Tap JS API Reference
#### *client_id is required in googleAccountConfigs

Google EndPoint Response

More details | Name | Type | |----------------|--------| | iss | string | | sup | string | | azp | string | | aud | string | | iat | string | | exp | string | | name | string | | email | string | | local | string | | picture | string | | given_name | string | | family_name | string | | email_verified | string |