
Shift local date to another timezone

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import shiftTimezone from '';



Shift local date to another timezone

NPM version

⚠ WARNING: The current implementation has a flaw when using at days where the local date changes to/from daylight saving times.

This package provides timezone conversion of local dates using the IANA time-zones from browser/ OS.

Such there is no need to bundle the IANA time-zones database which keeps this package small sized. Timezone data is only that accurate as your browser/ OS is up-to-date with the latest time-zone updates.

Works in node and modern browsers.

ℹ NOTE: Uses Date.prototype.toLocaleString() which is a slow function. The shimmed version is ~8x times faster...

For IE10, IE11 a shimmed version using moment-timezone is available. You may use this as well if you like to have control of the timezone data and/or speed matters.


npm i -S shift-timezone


Convert a local date to date in different time-zone:

const {timezone} = require('shift-timezone')
const localDate = new Date(2014, 5, 1, 12, 0, 0)
const shiftedDate = timezone(localDate, 'America/New_York')
//> '2014-06-01T16:00:00.000Z'

Get time-zone offset to UTC in milliseconds:

const {getTimezoneOffsetMs} = require('shift-timezone')
const localDate = new Date(2014, 5, 1, 12, 0, 0)
const offset = getTimezoneOffsetMs(localDate, 'America/New_York')
//> 14400000

Browser Support

Browser Version Notes
Chrome >=45
Firefox >=45
Safari >=10 Some timezones are not supported
Edge >=14 Some timezones are not supported
Do not use before 1992
IE 10, 11 works if used with require('shift-timezone/shim')

For IE10, IE11 (and also node) you can shim the lib at cost of bundle size:

npm i -S moment moment-timezone
require('shift-timezone/shim') // this plugs in the shim
const {timezone} = require('shift-timezone')


