
Simple message based actors.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import simpleActors from '';



Simple message based actors

The actors send messages to each other via a message bus, and they can listen for message patterns.


Install the module via npm:

npm install simple-actors

(Please let me know if you know a better name for this library...)


Example usage:

var actors = require('simple-actors');

var bus = new actors.LocalMessageBus();
    actor1 = new actors.Actor('actor1');
    actor2 = new actors.Actor('actor2');


// actor1 listens for messages containing 'hi' or 'hello' (case insensitive)
actor1.on(/hi|hello/i, function (from, message) {
  console.log(from + ' said: ' + message);

  // reply to the greeting
  this.send(from, 'Hi ' + from + ', nice to meet you!');

// actor2 listens for any message
actor2.on(/./, function (from, message) {
  console.log(from + ' said: ' + message);

// send a message to actor 1
actor2.send('actor1', 'Hello actor1!');


simple-actors can be used together with babble, extending the actors with support for dynamic communication flows.

Example usage:

var actors = require('simple-actors');
var babble = require('babble');

// create two actors and babblify them
var emma = babble.babblify(new actors.Actor('emma'));
var jack = babble.babblify(new actors.Actor('jack'));

// create a message bus and connect both actors
var bus = new actors.LocalMessageBus();

    .decide(function (message, context) {
      return (message.indexOf('age') != -1) ? 'age' : 'name';
    }, {
      'name': babble.tell('hi, my name is emma'),
      'age':  babble.tell('hi, my age is 27')

jack.tell('emma', 'hi')
    .tell(function (message, context) {
      if (Math.random() > 0.5) {
        return 'my name is jack'
      } else {
        return 'my age is 25';

function printMessage (message, context) {
  console.log(context.from + ': ' + message);
  return message;


The library contains the following prototypes:

  • actors.Actor
  • actors.MessageBus (abstract prototype)
  • actors.LocalMessageBus using a local, in process message bus.
  • actors.DistribusMessageBus using distribus.
  • actors.PubNubMessageBus using PubNub.
  • actors.AMQPMessageBus using the AMPQ protocol, for example via RabbitMQ servers.



var actor = new actors.Actor([id: String]);


  • Actor.send(to: String, message: String)
    Send a message to an other actor.
  • Actor.onMessage(from: String, message: String)
    Receive a message from an actor. The default implementation of this function iterates over all message listeners registered via Actor.on. The method can be overloaded if needed.
  • Actor.on(pattern: String | RegExp | Function, callback: Function)
    Register an message listener, which is triggered when a message comes in which matches given pattern. The pattern can be a String (exact match), a regular expression, or a test function which is invoked as pattern(message) and must return true or false.
  • String | RegExp | Function, callback: Function)
    Unregister a registered message listener.
  • Actor.connect(messagebus: MessageBus) : Promise<Actor, Error>
    Connect the actor to a message bus. The library comes with multiple message bus implementations (see API. An actor can be connected to multiple message buses.
  • Actor.disconnect(messagebus: MessageBus)
    Disconnect the actor from a message bus.


The library provides multiple MessageBus implementations: LocalMessageBus, PubNubMessageBus, AMQPMessageBus, and DistribusMessageBus. It is quite easy to implement a message bus for other messaging services.

MessageBus has the following API:


var bus = new MessageBus([config: Object]);


  • MessageBus.connect(id: String, onMessage: Function [, onConnect: Function])
    Connect a peer with given id. When a message for the peer comes in, the callback function onMessage is invoked as onMessage(from: String, message: String). The method returns a Promise which resolves when the connection is created.
  • MessageBus.disconnect(id: String)
    Disconnect a peer with given id.
  • MessageBus.send(from: String, to: String, message: String)
    Send a message via the message bus.


First install the project dependencies:

npm install

Then run the tests:

npm test

To do

  • Implement a mixin pattern to turn existing objects into an actor.
  • Maybe change the API to Promise based.