
A simple clean way to format intervals with Javascript

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import simpleFormatTimeago from '';


A simple clean way to format intervals with Javascript


npm install simple-format-timeago --save


import formatTimeago from 'simple-format-timeago';

// handle now
formatTimeago(new Date()); // => 'Just now'
// handle past
formatTimeago(60 * 1000); // => '1 minute ago'
// handle plurals
formatTimeago(2 * 60 * 1000); // => '2 minutes ago'
// handle future
formatTimeago(-2 * 60 * 1000); // => '2 minutes from now'

Changing i18n

var it = { // italian
  labels: {
    now: 'Adesso',
    seconds: 'secondi',
    second: 'secondo',
    minutes: 'minuti',
    minute: 'minuto',
    hours: 'ore',
    hour: 'ora',
    days: 'giorni',
    day: 'giorno',
    weeks: 'settimane',
    week: 'settimana',
    months: 'mesi',
    month: 'mese',
    years: 'anni',
    year: 'anno'
  templates: {
    past: '<%= count %> <%= unit %> fa',
    future: 'tra <%= count %> <%= unit %>'

formatTimeago(60 * SECOND, it); // => '1 minuto fa'


formatTimeago(date: Date | number, options: Object) => string


  • date a date (in the past or the future) or an interval expressed in milliseconds
  • options
    • labels
      • now (default 'Just now')
      • seconds (default 'seconds')
      • second (default 'second')
      • minutes (default 'minutes')
      • minute (default 'minute')
      • hours (default 'hours')
      • hour (default 'hour')
      • days (default 'days')
      • day (default 'day')
      • weeks (default 'weeks')
      • week (default 'week')
      • months (default 'months')
      • month (default 'month')
      • years (default 'years')
      • year (default `'year'
    • templates
      • past (default '<%= count %> <%= unit %> ago')
      • future (default '<%= count %> <%= unit %> from now')

The following locals will be passed in to templates:

  count: number; // the current count expressed in unit
  unit: string; // the current unit
  labels: {[key: string]: string;} // all labels