
A very simple pokedex package to get basic information on pokemon without http request.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import simplePokedex from '';



A very simple pokedex package to get basic information on pokemon without http request.

This pokedex give you names and image of the first 720 pokemons without http request.


npm install simple-pokedex --save

How to use

const pokedex = require('simple-pokedex');

// With a number id
const salameche = pokedex(4);

// With a string id
const reptincel = pokedex('5');

// With a padded string id
const dracofeu = pokedex('006');

// With an array of id : return an array
const pokemonsArr = pokedex([1, '7', '010', 13]);

// With several arguments : return an array
const pokemonsArg = pokedex('80', '056', 23);

Pokemon format :

  id     : <the id ok pokemon, with 3 zero padded, ex: "004">,
  nameFr : <the french name of the pokemon, ex: "Salamèche">,
  nameEn : <the english name of the pokemon, ex: "Charmander">,
  nameDe : <the german name of the pokemon, ex: "Glumanda">,
  nameJp : <the japan name of the pokemon, ex: "Hitokage">,
  image  : <the base 64 image of the pokemon>