
A simple, zero dependency tool for setting up git pre-commit hook for small projects

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import simplePreCommit from '';



A tool, that let you set any command from package.json as a pre-commit hook.

  • Zero dependency
  • Easy to configure (one line in package.json)
  • Lightweight


Add pre-commit hook to the project:

  1. Install the simple-pre-commit as dev dependency

    npm install simple-pre-commit --save-dev
  2. Add the simple-pre-commit to your package.json. Feed it with any command you would like to run as a pre-commit hook.

      "simple-pre-commit": "npx lint-staged"`

    There are more ways to configure the package. Check out [additional configuration](#Additional configuration options)

  3. Run the CLI script to update the git hook with command from package.json

    npx simple-pre-commit

Now the command from package.json is set up as executable git pre-commit hook.

Update a pre-commit hook command

Run npx simple-pre-commit from root of your project

Note that you should manually run npx simple-pre-commit every time you change the command

Additional configuration options

You can also add the .simple-pre-commit.json or simple-pre-commit.json to the project and write the command inside it, if you do not want to put command inside package.json

That way, .simple-pre-commit.json or simple-pre-commit.json should look like this and package.json may not have simple-pre-commit configuration inside it

    "simple-pre-commit":"npx lint staged"

Uninstall pre-commit-hook

npm uninstall --save-dev simple-pre-commit