
Simple CLI for creating and building react applications

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import simpleRcli from '';



Simple CLI for building react applications.


Install the package globaly from NPM and then you can use it as below:

npm i simple-rcli -g

Main help section.

rcli <command> [parameter(s)]

create <name> [template] [skip-git]       Creates a new applicaiton based on
    [skip-install]                            selected template.   [aliases: c, n]
generate <name> [type] [skip-style]       Creates a new component based on
    [skip-container]                          supplied options.       [aliases: g]

-h, --help     Show help                                             
-v, --version  Show version number                                   

Create New Project Command

You can create a new project (base on one of the templates) with the create command.

create <name> [template] [skip-git] [skip-install]
Creates a new applicaiton based on selected template.

name, n          Name of new project.                      [string] [required]
template, t      Template to be used for project, you can view all templates
                 on the following link:
                                    [string] [default: "ts-default"]
skip-git, G      Skips creating a git repository for the new project.
                                                  [boolean] [default: false]
skip-install, I  Skips installing template dependencies using NPM.
                                                  [boolean] [default: false]

Generate New Component

You can generate a new component, class or function components are supported.

generate <name> [type] [skip-style] [skip-container]
Creates a new component based on supplied options.

name, n            Name of new component in param case i.e name-of-component.
                                                         [string] [required]
type, t            Type of component, whether "class" or "function".
                    [string] [choices: "function", "class"] [default: "function"]
skip-style, S      Creates a component without it's own scss style.
                                                  [boolean] [default: false]
skip-container, C  Doesn't create a dedicated folder for the component.
                                                  [boolean] [default: false]